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Mit Erasmus mobil in Europa (Mobility with Erasmus in Europe)
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Mobility with Erasmus in Europe” is the title of the project of the HLW Perg 2015. Twelve students are curious to see Europe. They don´t want to be restricted in their thinking and conquer Europe as ambassadors of the HLW Perg. The project initiative Erasmusplus supports the mobility within the European Union. In the summer 2015, twelve students of the HLW Perg are going to complete their internship for at least twelve weeks in Spain, Ireland, France and Germany in the period from June 5th until September 13th. Nine students chose France, Spain and Ireland as their target countries to improve their language skills in English, Spanish and French. Three students chose Germany for their internship. Their primary motive is the mobility within and for Europe. For all twelve students the third school year ends on May 31st, 2015 and the following school year starts on October 5th, 2015. In the curriculum of the five years of education at the HLW it is written, that a compulsory internship with a minimum duration of twelve weeks between the third and fourth school year is part of the schooling. The internship may be completed in an economic and administration business, but preferably in hotel and gastronomy businesses. According to § 34a of the Vocational Training Act, many professional and training qualifications are connected to the schooling after finishing the final exams. The proof of a three-month internship in the sectors hotel business and gastronomy and the associated organizational departments (kitchen, restaurant, bar, reception and catering) enable job-related advantages and clear the way for independency. Targets and expected results of an internship abroad: • Living and working in another country for 12-13 weeks • Application and extension of the eight key competences and of the knowledges and skills acquired in school • Improvement of opportunities on the national, European and international labor market. The district of Perg is characterized by the settlement of many international economic businesses, such as Habau, Engel, Hödlmayr, … • Promotion of mobility and flexibility • Strengthening life skills, personality and independency • Development in self-determination and personal responsibility • Increased acceptance of challenges such as working and living in an intercultural environment • Improvement of language skills and communication in English, Spanish and French • New friendships • Expansion of personal horizon and getting to know other organization and cultures, business organizations and work flows
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