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Mit dem interaktiven Kulturkoffer durch Europa reisen
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Journey through Europe with Suitcase of Culture Gist ( of the project) : The notion is to procure the students to a volunteer act of visiting museums, exhibition halls, or art galleries as centers and institutions of cultural activities both within their countries and in their overseas journeys. We have noted that our students do not take much interest in their own local culture and that they hardly visit such centers of their own accord. The objective of our project for the youngsters is to arouse interest and awareness towards cultural activites and to motivate them to learn and get familiar to their own cultures. The students/youngsters should determine the way of displaying the exhibits in a more attractive way for the peer foreign visitors themselves by means of onsite observation and studying. In the course of our project ,first of all the essential information about the cultural activites of the cities involved in the project is going to be explored and collected. The centers such as museums, art galleries, or exhibition halls are going to be visited and then the digital frame of the project work such as film slides, commercial films, motion/audio videos is going to be determined. Finally the completed works are going to be shared on a common digital platform. The participant students of partner schools are going to determine the cultural activity to be done in the respective country. The participant students of the host country are going to accompany their visitors in their visits and prepare workshops for their foreign peers. At other times, the socialising activities such as dining out, or sightseeing tours are going to be organised by the participant school. We are seven participant schools from Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Germany, Greece( Krete and Athen), and Turkey. We all have many students from low socio-economic families to whom we desire to convey the multi-European culture. We intend to get them regard both their own cultural inheritance and others’ which they haven’t had the chance to acquaint properly so far, and thus make them feel as part of the European Union and appreciate the collective values. Another important objective in the long term is to motivate the youngsters for the commutual European future, to make them aware of their own responsibilities and take common action in the process of resolution. Another essantial point of our project is to present the dilettante European students and teachers with an “Open Education Resource” via web as an e-book in the form of an interactive suitcase form. In this way, sustainability of the project will be carried out.
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6 Partners Participants