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Mise en situation professionnelle des bac pro dans un pays européen
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our 2015 Erasmus+ project has several objectives: - Continuing our cooperation with Denmark for the pathway of the SAPAT (service to individuals) vocational baccalaureate diploma - Including new European partners to welcome our students in the Services aux personnes (service to individuals) pathway in other countries such as Italy - Combine the two other pathways of vocational baccalaureate diploma, Entreprise Agricole (Farm Business) and Entreprise Hippique (Equine Business) in a European program to align and professionalize our practices for organizing and monitoring placements abroad. This represents an opportunity for 55 young students from 3 different pathways of vocational baccalaureate diploma to go to Europe and a common work of reflection and preparation for 2 teams of teachers, one in the Services Aux Personnes (Service to individuals) and the other in agriculture, besides located on 2 separate sites, Edmond Michelet high school and Val de Sarthe high school. Work placements lasting from 3 to 4 weeks will enable students to acquire and deepen professional techniques related to their industry in diversified structures of these sectors: - Care facilities for the elderly, child care facilities; public from which for example students will have to provide daily care, to participate in activities, help with school and out-of-school tasks - Farms of various sizes and specialties, educational farms in which students will participate in the work with farm animals, activities related to crops - Major professional stables in which if need be students will deal with competition horses, tourist activities, equestrian shows The work placements will take place between June and July 2016 for students in farm business and equine business and between October and November 2016 for students in services to individuals. They meet the needs of the training of these future professionals and also to the needs of versatility, mobility, independence, openness ... all this to facilitate the matching of labor market needs and training and thus promote the employability of students. This trip will also have the interest to improve the practice of foreign languages and to demonstrate the importance that being fluent in a second language. Past nternships also stimulate the school teachers’ curiosity and desire to also go to Denmark in order to compare professional practices but also everyday life. Therefore several of them will be interested in mobility for adults and another project Erasmus+ is prepared for 2015. As such, this new project focuses on several aspects: - first, the students – to allow them to live a rich and unique experience, gain a greater autonomy and professional versatility, make the learning of foreign languages meaningful, develop their psychological and cultural openness, enhance their mobility and lessen their fear of the unknown; - the professionals who welcome the interns – to make it possible for them to exchange, compare and get inspired by good practices where they exist, share their experience and know-how, allow the users of these organizations to come in contact with young people coming from other European countries, develop their European image and arouse the desire of adults to leave and enjoy mobility; - the school in France – to strengthen its openness to the world and stimulate its dynamism, develop its partnerships in Europe, help young people find internships abroad and arouse the desire of adults to leave and enjoy mobility.
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