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Mise en place d'un projet de mobilité pour les BAC PRO CGEA
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our MFR de l’Hippodrome has developed its European opening with internships in Germany since June 2012 and previously in Ireland and England. The BAC PRO Conduct and Management of Agricultural Enterprise reform was an opportunity for us to improve the content of training. This approach is part of a partnership we have built with our local partners: the twinning committee of Craon with Buchenberg , which is a city of Swabia in Bavaria in Germany , and the General Council of Mayenne ( paired with Swabia ) helped us get in touch with an agricultural school in Kempten , the Berufsschule which provides training for young farmers on the management of farms. Today we cooperate together to organize training in Bovine and Equine Business for BAC PRO students. The course focuses on the management and control of the business and sustainable development. In their training, young people need to develop new technical skills but they also need to open to other managing practices and marketing of products and services in the agricultural and equine field. In addition, the young people involved in our project need to travel, to discover new and different territories, where people of different cultures live.In addition the internship in Germany will provide this new professional and personal experience . We also built the project in a collective dimension with the agricultural school in Kempten as our students meet German students during the internship.Our project will last one year , from June 2016 to June 2017. It will involve 40 young people who will make their training in May 2017 in the companies we know better through an environmental study that we realize this year. Thanks to this we will study the daily operation of business, control modes and environmental practices in Germany. Our new Erasmus + project focuses on better preparing students through our teaching team.Our project aims to be sustainable , we will not only build this project with the school in Kempten to make it a source of personal and professional development for French students but we also want to make it a new experience for German students. That is why we also invite them to come in the Craon to experience an internship with our partner companies.We will work as a team to produce positive results at several levels : for our students , first of all, we hope that the experience creates new desire for discovery. This experience should give them a new approach of agricultural Europe, new practices of sustainable development and corporate management. In addition, our project must implement new local partnerships in Mayenne and Swabia, to sustain cooperation between schools and teachers who will want to continue to work together.
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