Search for European Projects

Start date: Jun 26, 2014, End date: Mar 26, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This European encounter, " Mirrors of democracy", will assemble 50 young participants, in two towns or villages of the North Cantal - Menet and Riom-ès-Montagnes - from July 5 to 26, 2014, who come from the Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Portugal, Poland, Bulgaria and France, to reflect and act together on the subject of the great contemporary democratic issues. This will mean 21 days of encounters between 50 young people from 7 countries in the European Union, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus who wish to assemble after months of exchanges and in a very troubled context for some, because together they wish to reconfirm the great principles and values at the foundation of our democracies, and to define in common the means to act to that effect. The project is a continuation of the resounding success of 2013's "rural citizens", which provoked an immense enthusiasm and appetite for debate, citizen action, while debate in Georgia was still taking place and the upheaval in Ukraine had not yet happened. Our objectives : to rediscover the genesis and founding values of democracy as well as the means to act while preserving and reflecting the diversity, wealth and characteristics of individuals and our historical and cultural links. In a world of continual change, our positioning is fundamental in the fight against extremists who play on ignorance and fear. Intensifying exchanges and reinforcing our democracies imply the important issues linked to liberty, justice, success. With our activities based on workshops with exchanges, reflection and debates, using artistic practices to surpass and formulate our questions, we will elaborate varied forms of supporting and presentation material in order to obtain a wide diffusion of our results in both our rural and urban areas, but also beyond, in each of our individual contexts and via the media and social networks, in order to reconfirm the modernity and universality of our democratic ambitions. Acting together by setting up creative and playful workshops for reflection and action using diverse forms of expression - photos/videos/plastic arts/drama/improvisation - , is of a nature to set in motion a dialogue between us and our societies and co-citizens. Several important moments of presentation will highlight the common issues of a world that is free, open, lasting and creative, in which we may live better, in peace and for as long as possible.

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