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Migration in Europe - an Intercultural Challenge
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The partner organizations taking part in this youth workers mobility are AFS Austria, AFS Belgium, AFS Norway and AFS Serbia. AFS is a network of organizations which connects students and families from more than 50 different countries around the globe, through intercultural exchange programs. We function mainly through the work of volunteers, to whom we provide possibilities for advanced training in a variety of topics. This project is a training seminar organized by AFS volunteers for their peer volunteers. The topic which will be tackled during this project is migration crisis or: How can AFS, as an expert on intercultural learning, take an active role in integrating migrants into their local community? It is part of the priorities of the Council of Europe’s Youth Sector for 2016-2017 as it helps promoting inclusive and peaceful societies.Our organisations are socially active in creating a more peaceful and tolerant society through various forms of intercultural exchanges. However they are currently not structurally dedicated to addressing the migrant issue. We would therefore like to motivate volunteers from the four countries to be active and use the frames of the organisation in addressing the current migration crisis. Furthermore, we would like for our organisations to take a stand and active part in tackling the current issue of migration.We chose Brussels as the city for this seminar as it presents a large number of non-governmental organizations and associations in addition to the European institutions. We will benefit from this by visiting the European Commission and inviting experts from different organizations to share their experience in the field of migration.Participants will gain knowledge on political ways of handling the issue of migration in transfer countries, as well as the countries where migrants integrate; in EU countries as well as non-EU countries. They will also gain understanding of how the civil society responds to the actions that are taken. Our main goal is to enable participants from the four different countries to spread the ideas of this seminar throughout their organisation and the AFS network in general. We expect this seminar to result in concrete action plans, as well as a toolbox of workshops and other activities. Our overall goal is that AFS as network of organisations becomes more active towards tackling the issue of migrants in Europe.

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