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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

USE OF ROBOT TECHNOLOGY in MIG-MAG, TIG, PLASMA and RESISTANCE WELDING New production techniques in the field of Welding Technologies make up the infrastructure of production and employment in a great number of industries such as home appliances, building construction, automotive, shipyards, rail systems, heavy industries, and industrial manufacturing. In today's world, classical manufacturing techniques have become outdated, rapidly leaving their place to robotics and related automation systems. Within this process of rapid change and transformation, the preprequisite for Turkish companies involved in international markets to maintain their place and compete in global level is that they adopt and adapt to new production technologies. This process has led to companies adopting robot-based production systems, one of the new production techniques in Welding Technologies. New welding practices making use of robotics technologies have become methods in which human interference and error margin are kept to a minimum, production is serial, fast, and safe. As products of information age, these are complex systems that are conscious of their environment through several sensing elements, able to process commands received by using the information in their databases, and work with no need for operators. All of the sectors based on metal in our country have become completely dependent upon high-tech welding and joining techniques. Although welding work and processes are thought of as a handcraft by many, welding technology is actually a field of engineering which incorporates material science, examination, mechanical and electronic systems, lasers and robots, complex and advanced technology. Therefore, welding needs to be carried out under strict control with educated and qualified personnel. Bolu and Düzce region is home to a few factories and subsidiary industry facilities except for factories involved in heavy industry making use of robotics welding technology. In order for these factories, which export their products to Europe, Asia, Africa and Far-East countries, to ensure production in world standarts, they need qualified personnel who keep themselves up-to-date with new technologies. To this end, we aim to 1- ensure that new techniques in MIG-MAG, TIG, PLASMA, and RESISTENCE welding are learned, practised, and made more common, 2- provide training for qualified personnel able to use new technologies and ensure their employability, 3- increase productivity and product quality while lowering production costs, 4- teach the participants of our projects how to use machines in professional applications that require work in unhealthy circumstances and damage people's health, 5- ensure that work safety requirements are learned and practised especially in the field of welding technologies, 6- learn about cultures with different languages. The participants of the project consist mainly of apprentices, assistant foremen and foremen enrolled at Vocational Training Centres, students and one-year-graduates of metal technologies, machinery and CNC technologies, electric- electronic technologies departments of Industrial Vocational High Schools. Placement Activities will take place between the dates of 2 August 2015 and 22 August 2015 and last for three weeks. Placement activities will be carried out simultaneously in three groups and in three countries, at institutions and facilities designated by the project partners in Germany, Sweden, and Spain. The participants will be provided with theoretical and practical preparation training for "MIG-MAG, TIG, PLASMA, and RESISTANCE Welding Practices". Suitable means for observation and practice will be provided in the institutions participating in the project activities. Hosting partners will provide students with theoretical and practical training in their own institutions and organizations, and facilities where students work as apprentices, making it possible for students to observe the facilities and do practice, which will increase their professional competence. As they will be given the opportunity to compare the standarts used in Europe and Turkey, it will be possible to make up for the deficiencies in Turkey. The knowledge and new technologies they gain during project activities will make the participants important for the dissemination of new technologies across Turkey. Through this project, the participants will gain a multidisciplinary approach, and contribute to similar practices in our country. Project activities will improve the participants' professional competence and living standarts and thus increase their employability.

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