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Mieux se former pour ouvrir le collège à l'Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our school project along with our school goal contract are renewed this year. This gives the opportunity for our middle school to boost and renew our pedagogical practices centered on or pupils One of our priority is to develop an opening on the world so that our pupils will be offered a highly diversified linguistic and cultural path allowing them to develop their own European cultural identity as well as developing their ambitions in order to find their way in their future professional orientation. This diversified education will help them too, in the future, to build their career in Savoie and in Europe. Thus, by allowing our staff to follow training sessions in a European country, our mobility project is perfectly integrated in our academic school plan. To success and reach our goals, a team in our staff and a team among teachers must be aware and informed about Europe reality according to the goals of French Education policy. The results expected are individual and collective. Teachers and members of the staff will expand their knowledge and their professional experience. A knowledge that will be shared with their peers so that our school will be more efficient and thus will help the pupils to better succeed. Choosing a nonprofit organization, will allow us for the first year to list our course contents by having specific training sessions and control on our budget. The mobility project of our staff and teachers will also be included in our school project. A general overview will be sent to our authorities.
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