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Mieux prendre en compte le comportement animal dans la formation afin de réduire les accidents du travail et d’améliorer les conditions de travail (Work in safety with big animals)

The project aims the development of a tool for self assessment of competencies as well as the necessary training modules to fulfil the detected gaps addressed to agriculture professionals dealing in their professional work with big animals, especially cows and horses. The problem addressed by the project is the rate of accidents happening with people working with big animals in Europe resulting of a lack of knowledge about the animal characteristics and behaviour that normally are the origin of violent reactions of self-protection and fear. To overcome this problem the partnership, 16 partners in 5 countries, will develop the self-assessment tool and training modules about the relationship human-animal to be introduced in the qualification of the addressed professionals. To do this the partners will identify the important behaviour characteristics of those animals within the human-animal relationship, the obstacles to the learning of these factors, guidelines for handling these animals (training modules to be incorporated in the existing qualifications) and the self-assessment tool (Bilan de Competences). The results of the project will be primarily addressed to all professions dealing with these two type of animals (bovine cattle and horses). Beneficiaries of the project results will be also the assurance companies and the social security organisations in the agriculture sector and the sector in general.

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15 Partners Participants