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MIEEK Advancing Skills 2015-2016
Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

MIEEK Limassol, is a post secondary public vocational educational organization under the Ministry of Education and of the Republic of Cyprus based in Limassol. Its purpose is to provide quality vocational education in areas that their is a lack of highly trained and skilled personnel. Despite being a young educational institution, firmly practices local knowledge with a European dimension. Its educational strategy includes the integration of international acceptable knowledge adapted to local needs and the European dimension (legal framework, principles, practices, case studies and trends) in all educational programs and activities. In this process there is need for new knowledge, training tools and ideas that will shape the character of MIEEK to become an organization of local knowledge with a European perspective. This can be achieved through establishing networks with similar educational institutions and private organizations in Europe that are willing to train and provide skills to our students and trainers. This project involves two mobilities in Malta, the first for fifteen students and the second for six trainers. MIEEK Limassol organizes this project in order to provide students with the opportunity to apply their knowledge to an international working environment, acquire new skills useful to their career, get exposed to different cultures and improve their English language. The objectives for the trainers include the acquisition of new training techniques, material and knowledge that will be used to upgrade the school's curriculum and teaching process. The project will be implemented in collaboration with Stage Malta, an internship program organizer in Malta, and involves two main activities: Trainer's participation at one week training exchange programs and student's participation at six weeks internships both in Malta. Special attention will be be provided to the proper preparation of participant which will include among others English language preparation classes, introduction to Malta and its people, the professional and business environment and useful tips for the trip and stay in Malta. Up on completion of the projects Students will gain international work experience, learn how a company is structured and operates in another European country, apply their existing knowledge, obtain new knowledge and skills relevant to their field of study and improve their English. In addition, they will strengthen their independence as individual adults, meet and collaborate with people coming from other cultures and learn about a new country. Trainers will improve their networking and collaboration skills through working with colleagues from other educational institutions, learn new teaching methods, different curricula and educational approaches and enrich their skills and knowledge as trainers. MIEEK Limassol will obtain significant benefits including new training tools, knowledge, upgrades curricula, international exposure, establish international networks, provide its students with valuable experience and additional project management experience. Students and trainers to programs will transfer their experience and skills to the rest of the school community.
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