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Middle Infrared Broadly Tunable Compact Cavity-Less Source based on Parametric Conversion (MATISSE)
Start date: Feb 1, 2013, End date: Jan 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"The middle-infrared (Mid-IR) is a core band for molecular detection and identification as nearly every molecule strongly absorbs in this wavelength range. Hence, it hosts critical applications ranging from spectroscopy, health monitoring, sensing as well as free space communication. Unfortunately, the advantages of this wavelength range have not been fully exploited due to the lack of Mid-IR sources that can simultaneously satisfy stringent requirements these diverse applications impose. To this end, MATISSE seeks to transfigure light generation in the Mid-IR spectral band by designing new classes of nonlinear frequency mixers. We aim at overturning the limitations of conventional resonant (cavity) processes by simultaneously enabling mode-hop free tuning, narrow linewidth and wide tunable range operation. In addition, we also plan in developing the first modulation-capable source across a wide range of Mid-IR frequencies. To overcome these challenges, MATISSE will leverage the cavity-less nature and parametric origin of the proposed source. The project will cascade two distinct compact nonlinear platforms to enable the efficient wavelength conversion from NIR to Mid-IR. This two-step approach takes advantage of attributes each distinct platform has to offer by 1) utilizing the advanced technology available at the NIR wavelengths and 2) exploiting the Mid-IR capabilities of non-silica platforms. We believe only an approach such as ours can provide a compact, freely tunable Mid-IR source without resorting to conventional cavity (resonant) physics. The MATISSE project therefore promises substantial impact in spectroscopy, sensing and free space communication by providing presently non-existing tools that will not only improve the sensitivity of absolute and relative spectroscopic methods, but also introduce free space sensing/communication using emitted powers that are considered non-viable in conventional systems."
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