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MIDA - Mobilità, Innovazione e Didattica Attiva
Start date: Dec 15, 2014, End date: Dec 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the MIDA project (Mobility , Innovation and Active Learning) , our school wants to rethink its organizational structure to make it more capable of responding to the needs of pupils who will be confronted with international work environments . Besides, we want to increase the motivation of teachers by offering them educational tools which are more appropriate to the needs and expectations of the new generations of students. Our School Board has made the decisive choice of approving the participation in the ELOS network that enhances the European orientation of our school (international and mobility projects, more resources invested in the study of foreign languages, etc.). For these reasons, with the MIDA project, in the period 2014-2016 thirty teachers from our staff will attend training courses in the UK, Ireland, Germany, France , or will be engaged in job-shadowing activities in Estonia , the Netherlands and Germany. First of all, the MIDA project will offer teachers the chance to train in the CLIL methodology , especially for scientific subjects teachers who wish to improve their language skills, but also to acquire specific training in this new teaching approach. Other teachers need to improve their ICT skills in order to meet the growing demand of technological skills in the field of education. Secondly, many teachers feel their foreign language skills as inadequate, and ask for courses in English, French or German to improve their communication skills . Thirdly, we made an agreement with several partner schools to share experiences of job-shadowing in order to test different teaching approaches. We have had a long collaboration with European schools in the past years (Comenius-LLP) and we have realized just how useful a comparison with foreign colleagues can be to overcome the limitations of outdated teaching models. For this reason, a group of teachers asked to participate in job-shadowing experiences especially in northern European countries (Estonia , Netherlands, Germany ) . The school will benefit from these mobility activities both during the life span of the project and in the long term, that is : 1 . it will enhance, coordinate and integrate all the experiences of international projects, that will become a distinctive feature of the Plan of Studies of the school ; 2 . it will have a team of trained, motivated teachers, who will be open to innovative international experiences ; 3 . the motivation to learn foreign languages will increase; 4 . the quality of teaching and learning , as stated in ET 2020, will improve; 5 . the school will play a positive role in stimulating international openness and intercultural dialogue in the local community; 6 . it will play a role in teacher training and dissemination in other schools in the area ; 7 . it will expand the network of collaboration with other foreign schools . The impact of the project will be evident not only on the teachers but on all members of the school, especially the students . Everyone will benefit from the project, as it will increase their knowledge of the European school systems and culture and their flexibility in response to an evolving labor market ; they will become more aware of the benefits of studying and working abroad and of the opportunities you can take advantage of if you are Europe- oriented; they will become more respectful of cultural diversity within and outside their country; they will acquire greater capacity for organization and planning through the systematic use of online platforms such E- twinning and last, but not least , the motivation and interest of teachers towards innovative, quality teaching methods will increase significantly.
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