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Mettre en oeuvre ECVET dans le domaine de la formation technique automobile
Start date: Nov 15, 2014, End date: Nov 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is very important to sustain the first experiment between the two institutions to establish a genuine exchange of teaching practices and skills , including the implementation of ECVET . It is an interesting challenge that aims to fully integrate the European vision of vocational training. This project seems appropriate to share the commitment and reciprocity that wish to take the two institutions Relevance at the student level , for the sake of quality work , we plan to send six young . We welcome Finnish students who will eventually be in tandem with French students. Thus, the integration can be done more easily and we provoke an obligation to our students to practice English with their host. This exchange must enrich their vocabulary related to their specialty and find a new motivation for learning English through total immersion . Learn a second foreign language and understand another European culture. Meet other young people because the accommodation is provided in a host institution where many nationalities meet. Enrich their CV via Europass and thus promote the professional integration. Relevance level trainers : 1 . Exchange of practice through the establishment of a joint assessment by the two countries. Evaluation practice related to art and language assessment based on the portfolio of skills learning DNL professional school of automotive trades. 2 . Exchange of teaching practices and pooling of resources within the project CarNet . This project is an opportunity for teachers to share their teacher practices, but also relations with automakers . Ultimately, this cooperation between the institutions and indirectly with European automakers expected to acquire material educational update . 3 . Enable teachers to improve their English and thus use when teaching sequence Workshop automobile . 4. Implement ECVET in the field of automotive training and more specifically in the context of Bac Professional Automotive Maintenance . Modularisation of learning takes an increasing share in the field of vocational training. To be supported by the professional branch represented by the National Association for Automotive Training is a vector of motivation and guarantee efficient outcomes for the implementation of ECVET .
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