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METRO - Moving in Europe : Training for Real Opportunities
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The institute Vespucci -Colombo for many years plays a very important role in Livorno, for training in logistics and tourism. 5 years experience in international mobility , first as a partner and then as a promoter , which allowed him to expand the internship offers to its students. The project "METRO " wants to be an opportunity for collaboration with the local partnership to meet the needs of the students of classes IV dell'IIS " Vespucci - Colombo " expansion prospects in key European training for companies in many sectors related to this field of study, education institutions , public bodies responsible for economic development, to education and to the connection between school and work . Also this year will be used for ECVET elements which will be a further opportunity for knowledge , for the local area , the European ECVET system for the transfer of credits within the Memorandum of Understanding. The basic need is the need to be able to train a new generation of administrative , accounting , management, tourism experts , technicians and operators of well-being , skills necessitated by rapidly changing technologies and market ( including the EU key competences foreign languages , learning to learn, social and civic competences , initiative and entrepreneurship , and then the adaptive capacity , technical skills of the respective sectors). Therefore, it is believed that the project participants would get concrete answers to the need to update, professionalization , extending the competencies and operational capabilities , by means of an international internship . More in detail the educational goals of the participants, focusing on: - The acquisition of skills related to 1) the accounting, administrative and management in a European view , 2) administrative and managerial applied to the handling of cargo and passengers 3) the management and promotion of tourism products and services ; 4) supply and administration of services for the well-being 5) I.T. - improving language skills /improvement of socio-cultural skills to complete specific technical skills - Acquisition / improvement of key skills to complete the personal and professional path . Objectives of the promoter and the partnership are: - Increase the quality of training - Expanding and improving the skills of their students - Make students more employable current / future professionals - Bring the world of school to the world of work responding to the needs of the local market and European ( and the variety of the local partnership , which sees public, private , chamber of commerce , etc. ) demonstrates the intent. - Disseminate information of the existence of the European programs for young people and for those involved in training The expected results are : to complete the training and employability of final participants , enhancing the efficiency of partner companies who will have qualified staff and updated , an improvement / innovation courses offered by IIS " Vespucci - Colombo " in terms of quality and enriched by a European scale , the widespread dissemination of experience at various levels. The project of a total duration of 12 months, involves the participation of 40 students : 12 in the commercial / administrative , 10 in the field of integrated logistics systems , 10 in the tourism sector and 8 in the wellness industry The project includes 4 streams than 5 weeks: 12 mobility in Valencia ( ES ), 10 in Derry (UK ), 8 in Amiens (FR) and 10 in Limassol (CY) . The phase of mobility will take place in May- June 2015.

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