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Metodologías que nos acercan a Europa
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Cáceres, a city far away from any principal airport, but La Asunción school sets out to educate European citizens, with experiences and possibilites comparable to any other student from more favoured zones. We find some dfficulties in the introduction and development of new methodologies and working with schools which share our concerns and interests seem to us very motivating and rewarding. If we add that it help us to improve cetain aspects as fluency in English and a better use of ICTs, we are speaking of a very interesting project for all the educational community, mainly for our students, central axis of our school. We speak about a mobility of two teachers to Blewbury and the welcome of two teachers from ther in our school for a 7 days period. The elegibility of the candidates will be mainly based in permanent teachers, from Primary Education, those who have a B1 qualification or higher following the MECR, good communicators and with leadership qualities in order to make the most of this experience for the bigger number of members of our educational community: students, teachers, parents, other educational entities, the local environment,... Between the suggested activities, we can be find the planning of the trip to Blewbury by our students, the visit and observation of the methodologies instituted in that school, the beggining of a debate between both schools in the eTwinning platform, videoconferencing (probably with pupils), broadcasting by social networks about the experience due to a live feedback, the observation and the reflection about ICTs and the presentation of a final memory from the selected teachers. The methodology is going to be preferably participative, with observation and reflection about the action and with a constantly feedback. The planned activities comprehend that the students will live the evolution of the whole project and they will benefit from its development and results, the staff whom will work together with the selected teachers and will add value to the project constantly, through staff meetings, the school as it will be benefactor of the obtained conclussions and it will include the subsequent adjustements, the other schools from the religious entity, who will receive the obtained results and the possible approaches to improve their teaching and learning process and the local society, which will see that Europe is nearer than it is thought, buiding a real global society.

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