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Metodes mūsdienīga, motivējoša un efektīva mācību procesa veidošanai.
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project "Methods for Creating Modern, Motivating and Effective Learning Process” has been developed upon the guidelines of EU Commission for 2014-2020. With the current economic and demographic situation in Latvia secondary schools are often either consolidated or closed. By taking part in the project implementation process at Riga Rainis 8. Secondary evening (shift) school with EU supported Erasmus+ KA1 mobility method and existing resources the following strategic goals of the educational institution are planned to be reached: - develop base for future student growth, providing that teachers’ competences and international contacts made from the project activities will make it possible for the school to implement student/ youth mobility within the framework of Erasmus+. --improve learning and teaching methods by providing students with motivated, creative and inspiring teachers; -raise number of students at the institution, by implementing distance learning classes and supplementing school program with the innovative-learning method; -improve school’s environment with motivated, competent, collaboration centered staff, which is educated, professional and aware of current events in the field of education; -provide professional development for teaching staff by finding ways of taking part in the life- long learning activities – improve their language skills, innovative technology competences and further EU administrated project development and implementation skills; -enhance environment of the educational institution with communication oriented, well informed and innovative society; -actively engage into international communication development by building up a dialogue and experience exchange with competent partners in the field of education; -promote teacher competitiveness in modern labor market; -inspire and encourage other educational institutions in the country by the example of good practice with future collaboration intent. Within the realization of the project the following steps are to be implemented: 1. School’s management, methodological committee leaders and school teachers have set school’s development priorities. Guided by these priorities a decision of taking part into ERASMUS+ activity K1 was made. School’s management offered school’s staff to take part in the project. Teachers authorized for participation in the project were selected upon the following criteria: motivation, excellent communication skills, interest in professional development and further use of their professional development in the improvement of whole learning process quality. Teaching staff requires sufficient knowledge of foreign languages would allow them to gain maximum benefit of provided courses and ensure effective communication with project partners and other course participants. 2. Project partners were selected in accordance with the school and individual needs of professional development, as well as substantial feedback of project partners. 3. Project development is carried out by potential project participants, school’s management, methodological committee leaders and project partners. 4. After confirmation of the project a meeting of further activities of all involved staff, management and project coordinator is to be held. Project coordinator in cooperation with project participants and partners manage all preparation works prior to implementation of mobilities: participant preparation for mobility and organization of logistics. 5. Teacher participation in mobility activities. Support from project partners and project coordinator all through the mobility. 6. At the end of activity there is a double quality evaluation – questioning about the activity by partner and project coordinator. 7. Project activity result distribution (dissemination). After each activity there is a set of events meant for dissemination of newly gained skills and knowledge within the organization and beyond – publication in school’s web page, organization of meetings and seminars, information sharing in social networks and other activities are to be carried out. 8. Implementation of the knowledge gained in the project in learning process. Results of the activity are to be discussed and analyzed at school and used for teacher education in order to successfully implement the results in learning process. 9. Project results are to be disseminated not only in the organization, but also beyond. Seminars, social networks and other activities mentioned in the project description will serve as means of dissemination. 10. Project implementation is to be consequently supervised by school’s management and coordinator. As well as additional support to project participants is to be provided. 11. Project report. In the development of project report all project participants, coordinator and school’s management are involved.
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7 Partners Participants