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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project bearing the title ,, ACTIVE METHODS OF TEACHING THE TECHNICAL SUBJECTS IN VET” meets the need of training of the VET teachers, identified at the level of consortium and has as an aim the increase of flexibility and adapting of the professional education and training at the requests of the labor market through improvement of the professional and personal competences of teachers in order to satisfy the professional and personal development needs of students, according to the tendencies of local, national and European economic development tendencies. In order to attain this purpose, there have been established the following objectives and results: -Improving at 20% out of the VET teachers from the consortium of the level of competences regarding the knowing and understanding (identification of the teaching paradigms) of the student centered teaching and learning methods and instruments, for the technical and modular subjects, so as these should become relevant for the initial professional training and for the consolidation of relation between education, professional training and the labor market -Development at 20% out of the VET teachers of the competences from the field of explaining and interpreting (analysis of the teaching theories) of the specific technical data for the technical and modular subjects, having as a result the increase of the attractiveness of the technical and modular subjects amongst students -Development of the digital abilities and multilinguism in the field of education and professional training VET, using active innovative teaching methods, student centered, in the purpose of diversifying of the training offer in the technical and vocational education; -Forming of specific professional attitudes for supporting learning and the access to open educational resources in VET education and training and to obtain an adequate and efficient feed-back from every student, in order to be able to face the requests of a qualitative professional training. The aim and the objectives of the project are according to the priorities and objectives from the partner institutions’ Action Plans and meet the participants’ needs of: - improving the competence level regarding the acknowledgement and understanding of the methods and instruments of teaching and learning of the technical and modular subjects -developing the specific abilities from the field of explaining and interpreting of the technical data specific to the technical and modular subjects -to develop the digital and multilinguism abilities in the field of VET education and training -to acquire instrumental-applicative competences in the teaching learning process used in the VET professional education and training in the EU schools -to form the necessary specific professional attitudes for a true and efficient feed-back from every student, in order to face the requests of a qualitative professional training. The expected results: teachers that have improved their teaching methods of the technical and modular subjects, based upon the forming of specific technical competences at the students from professional and technical education, according to the standards of the European education. The contribution to the development of some new improved methods and of some innovative approaches of learning, in the purpose of improving the quality of the students’ education and professional training. -acknowledgement of an European space of lifelong learning, meant to complete the policy reforms at national level, to support the modernizing of the educational and training systems, through intensifying the cooperation policies, a better using of the recognition instruments and the spread of good practices, having as a main purpose the increase of motivation in education and professional training in the technical and vocational education. -promotion on a large scale of multilinguism and free entrepreneurship The final result of the project will be: -20% out of the teachers from the 3 high schools will raise their mobility and flexibility in teaching and will identify and use in their classes active methods of teaching, student centered, thing that will raise with 60% the professional and technical education students’ motivation towards learning the technical and modular subjects. Dissemination and sustainability will be assured by presentations at local/county/national level, articles, seminaries, different institutions’ web pages. The long term benefits will be the promotion of education for multiculturality and plurilinguism, acquirement of new active teaching methods and instruments, improving of the abilities of meeting every student’s needs and to face the specificity of the linguistic, social, cultural diversity of every individual, of the teaching competences and using of the ITC and foreign languages, the contribution in developing of some new improved methods and some innovative approaches of teaching.
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3 Partners Participants