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Methods for ESD-competencies and curricula
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is thematically interdisciplinary and not formally integrated within the school subject curricula of (secondary) vocational schools. Curricular challenge ESD is not only environmental education, the areas of economics (as defined by equitable distribution of resources) and social/cultural challenges/topics (social justice, lifelong learning, civic engagement) need to be emphasized. Therefore curricula and school development concerning ESD need to be tackled and an integration of ESD on curricula and school programme level need to take place. Educational challenge • Issues/topics of sustainable development should be prepared and organized in such a methodical way , that students can make a connection between their (daily life) habits, their professional training and global challenges. • Many topics are presented solely cognitive, so that it is difficult for students to develop their own mind-set/attitude towards a certain subject/topic and to verify/reassessing their values and knowledge. The main aims and objectives of the projects: As part of the project, teachers shall be trained to facilitate key competences to students (systems-thinking skills, (sustainability) entrepreneurship skills, values and needs biography (see attachment). The key competences can be implemented within all teaching subjects and also interdisciplinary. A dualistic approach: • a) training of teachers for the methodical implementation of already developed modules of/for ESD; b) teacher test the modules in the school and reassess on students learning achievements; • the schools integrate the modules into the school's curriculum. The modules, that will be transferred, meet the requirements of a Europe-wide vocational training. They are designed for a competence focus, with appropriate specifications and compatible with ECTS. Tasks • Training of teachers on the methodology that overlaps the qualification of vocational fields; • Transferring, evaluation, adaptation and development of competence-oriented methods (tool-set) for the promotion of ESD. • School and curriculum development • Networking within the participating regions Characteristics of the consortium All participating partners have been working together for many years in different national, regional and international networks (RCE-UNU, BBCC, OPEDUCA, ENSI, "Teaching for Transformative Change - Learning Partnership"). Expected results and products (tangible and intangible outcomes) • training courses and methods for teaching sustainability issues; • School-based curricula – adapted/aligned internationally • evaluation tools, performance review • Manual of methods • Review/verification of the values biography and key competences Anticipated effect (impact envisaged) • ESD issues/topics as part of the subject curricula • improvement of teacher-student relationship • School development and increasing benefit-cost ratio of vocational training • raising (sustainability) entrepreneurship and better qualification for the labour market • multiplier effect on economic development within the participating regions
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