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Methodology and Language for Primary Teachers
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

From the English teaching community arose the question of how the level of our English teachers was and how we could, if necessary, increase or at least challenge our colleagues in a fun way to increase the level of their own English skills. Research within the team also showed that teachers feel they are not capable to give English lessons. They assume that giving English lessons " doesn’t fit within the current lesson program”. The LWG has researched and checked and they suggests that English lessons can be applied in many ways within the current curriculum. Among other things during the course: Methodology and Language for Primary Teachers, attention is paid to short activities that jointly can bring 10 to 15 minutes English per day. We would like to get acquainted with this way of giving English lessons, to be able to use them into developmental education in the primary grades. Also for the teachers of the middle and upper grades it is good to experience that you can give English in many ways without using the method instantly. We like to develop an attitude for every teacher in which they do small poems, songs and games in English, besides a method that has to be chosen for the middle and upper grades. The purpose of the LWG is that in the near future we teach students at least 20 minutes English per day in addition to the method classes. Certainly no 60 minutes at one time. The teachers who started this school year with the training at the HU for specialist will first participate in the course VVTOE Methodology and Language for Primary Teachers, because this fits in well with their teacher profile: "Specialist VTTOE". At the end of the course they will determine whether this course is sufficient for all colleagues or that other possibilities should be examined. Objective: Teachers who offer VVTO English have completed the training "Classroom English". In the near future they have a language proficiency of at least level B2 of the ERK for all skills (for writing only level B1 is sufficient ). Within the next two years VVTO will be included in the policy plan of the school. We have drawn up learn lines based on SLO for all groups and we have made a choice for and about the use or non-use of a method in addition to "classroom English". In addition, we would like to take part in K2 projects /Etwinning projects in order to offer all students while staying at our school the possibility to have personal or digital contact with pupils from another European country. Within two or three years we want to be known in our environment and in our foundation as the school where English is taught startingt from the youngest group and where the children can actually bring their English in practice by participating in European projects and having European contacts. The LWG also examines the workability of a language portfolio and provides for the acquisition of materials needed for offering a rich learning environment. In collaboration with PABO we want to open our school to students from other (European) countries and make our school known for jobshadowing by using Etwinning.

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