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Method for Advanced Professional and Personal ePortfolio Development

The aim of the MAPPED Project was to equip life-long adult learners with a useful learning materials to support their professional development with ePortfolio. The project answered to the lack of scaffolding methods for adults pursuing non-formal learning, participating in trainings (eg. within European Structural Funds). ePortfolio was used as one of method to manage, plan and present their achievements and map their competences achieved outside formal educational systems. It enhanced their performance on the labour market and increase their employability. National VET systems are too often lacking the procedures to support lifelong learners. Variety of learning options are not reflected by the variety of accreditation strategies. MAPPED exploited Web 2.0 technologies to support communication, reflection and interaction and, in the result, competence improvement. ePortfolio was a good measure to enhance digital literacy of adults with purposeful on-line activity.MAPPED transfered innovation to different geographical and sectoral area. The objective was to adapt wiki-based training materials originally targeted at professional trainers to the needs and requirements of adult learners. Materials were designed as self-learning on-line course developed on Moodle e-learning platform. The course was accompanied by learners' manual. Project focused on redesigning and localising e-learning course for individual learners. The course is accessible through open platform and it is downloadable by institutions willing to support their learners. The idea was to give learners high quality support and means to enhance their development and offer possibility to make their achievements gained outside formal education transparent, measurable and comparable. The course introduced ePortfolio as a tool and process to support personal and professional development, especially with the view to lifelong learning. In the validation phase learners will develop their individual ePortfolios to map their learning making use of the MAPPED e-learning course, verifying its usability. MAPPED was a result of MOSEP LDV Project (2006-2008) and is coordinated by one of its participants: Polish AGH-University of Science and Technology, represented by Centre of e-Learning. Three partners represented Czech Republic, Turkey and Italy and had all different but significant experience in human resources development supportive actions, competence development and adult training. Partners had experience in project's participation and were interested in sustaining the project as a part of their training offer. The project was implemented in the countries where ePortfolio was not recognized yet and therefore had a huge potential to transform VET systems.

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3 Partners Participants