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Mesleki Yönlendirmede AB Standartlarını Transfer Ediyoruz
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

All participants of the project proposed are from schools that are active in our city and partners and these people will have similar characteristics. Participants, totally 36 people, are guide counselors, shop class teachers, preschool teachers and administrative staff. Generally, people in their 15 and 18 ages try to decide about their profession by considering themselves and knowledge about professions, evaluating knowledge and matching. High school years are complicated times for both physically and physiologically because adolescents are in crisis in living changes and adaptation of adolescence and trying to identify themselves. This crisis prevents them from deciding on a profession. Therefore, if adolescents adapt this adolescence period as healthy as possible, they might plan their future easily and logically. Undoubtedly, teachers should know properties of adolescence period and help students to cope with aforementioned period. In today’s world, new profession sectors develop with changes in industry and technology and some profession sectors lose their validity. Since teachers and students don’t have enough information about new profession sectors, suitable employees are not raised for sectors. Furthermore, students choose their professions just by considering their University Entrance Exam grades and they are not guided well. These all causes lack of qualified personnel. Participants of the project will receive education oriented for vocational and pedagogical techniques in Poland, Holland and Spain. Thus, teachers will help them to decide on their professions logically and consistently and help them to choose jobs that they want. When the project is accepted and then financed, participants will take part in preparation activities before placement. After preparation activities, participants will develop their German language skills required for daily speaking and comprehension and skills on intercultural communication required for participating in intercultural activities. During placement activities, participants will gain information about how to determine ability, interest, personal characteristics, guide students on choosing the most appropriate profession and they consult with European colleagues about how to deal with external factors that affect profession choice negatively. When the project is financed, two weeks placement activities will be conducted as follows: for Mehmet Akif Ersoy Technical and Industrial Vocational High School and Çan Technical and Industrial Vocational High School between the dates of 23.11.2014 and 07.12.2014 at Edukacja Sp. Zo.o. (Poland); for Bayramiç Vocational and Technical Education Center Anatolian Technical High School, İÇDAŞ Biga Technical and Industrial Vocational High School, Marine Anatolian Vocational High School between the dates of 01.02.2015 and 15.02.2015 at Centro De Formación Profesional Ada (Spain);for Orhan Çalış Multi Program High School between the dates of 05.04.2015 and 19.04.2015 at Stichting Roc Leiden (Holland);for Çanakkale İMKB Technical and Industrial Vocational High School and Marine Anatolian Vocational High School and Yenice Anatolian Technical High School, Vocational and Technical Education Center between the dates of 05.04.2015 and 19.04.2015 at Katholiek Primair Onderwijs (Holland).
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