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Mesleki Eğitim ile Kadın İstihdamının Arttırılması
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jan 1, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

A new report was published about job opportunities of men and women employment by International Labour Organization (ILO). The title of the report is "Women in Labour Market". According to the report, although there are some developments about gender inequality within last 15 years, but, it is still an important problem. Women are faced with many barriers when they want to work. Some sectors don't employ women, employers tend to pay low salaries, and furthermore women are the last to employ and the first to fire. Marriage, being pregnant, maternity leave and dealing with children are excuses of the employers to give them the sack. The labour law -4857 has adopted the principle of equal treatment in terms of gender for women and men. Some campaigns as "Let Girls Go School", "Vocational and Technical Schools is the Main Issue of the Country" aim enhancing women's education and employment. But the percentage of women employment is 26 % in Turkey at present which is the lowest rate in OECD countries. The 9th development plan aims to raise the percentage of women employment to 29.6 % in 2013 and Ministry of Labour and Social Security aims 40 % in 2023. But, it seems to be hard, because the number of male students in Vocational High Schools in Ad?yaman is 2900 while the number of female students is only 11. In order to increase the number of women employment, it is necessary to increase the number of female students in Vocational education and the content of education needs to serve the demands of labour market. In addition, some positive discrimination should be put into action for women remove the obstacles. Through this project, Professional counselling and guidance activities will be held and cooperation will be ensured between school, family and industry in compliance with European standards, so that the number of girls attending to vocational schools will increase. Thus, the participation of women in the workforce will increase and women will become producers from being consumers in the society. Indeed, the result of activities conducted, in the 2015-2016 academic year, the number of girls who have registered to our school have increased compared to previous years and reached 15 students. The participation of women in labour market will enhance the quality of vocational education; increase the competitiveness of industry in the country and provide contribution for development in country. Participants of the Project will visit institutions in Netherland and Spain, which are the leading countries in EU in terms of women?s education and employment. Through the guidance of vocational schools in these countries, participants have realized visits to monitor-analyze "the departments including female students and the number of female students", "counselling activities for female students in job preferences", "strategies about women employment and legal measures", "employment process for women after vocational education" and "part-time employment practices for women" Within the Project, the Project owner and other Project partner institutions tripartite consortium has been formed. The coordinator school is Mimar Sinan Technical and Industrial Vocational High School. The institutions which are the member of consortium will organize mobility; arrange activities to merge services, the sharing of information but also the mobility of the administrative, guiding them for issues such as contractual and financial management, participants? election and preparation. The Project aimed at managers, teachers and staff working for the institutions providing Vocational and Technical Education, in this context, 22 participants realized a 14-day study visit in two separate flows. 2 of the participants taking part in the activities were disabled, which provided additional value to the project. The participants have carried out the Project between May 24, 2015 and June 06, 2015 under coordination of "OnderwijsgroepTilburg" in NETHERLAND and April 26, 2015; - May 09, 2015 under coordination of "C.P.I.F.P MARÍTIMO ZAPORITO" in Spain. The program contained visits to vocational and technical schools, NGOs, business and official institutions. The project provided professional development for the people involved in the project, in addition to awareness of World and European citizenship, language skills, cultural interaction, environmental sensitivity, positive outlook for disadvantaged groups, the ability to live together, expanding their horizons to change their lives and increased awareness in many other areas. Further progress new steps have been supplied for the production of new plans and projects in the future. Our school is currently implementing a project under coordination of Ministry of Labour and Social Security within the framework of the EU grant programs on the same subject titled "Come on Girls, Come to Vocational School". The participants will carry on the project between May 17, 2015 and May 31, 2015 by guiding "Ond
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