Search for European Projects

Meslek Liselerimiz; Doğunun Umudu Olmaya, Avrupa'ya Staja
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Vocational High schools in Europe are high schools that keeps the industry on its feet, brings up the middle personel that will work under the engineers and where the students graduating from them can find employment easily. In Europe students choose these high schools to enter work force early and the students can continue their career lives easily even if they do not continue in higher education. However, the vocational high schools in our country are schools which are chosen only if there is no chance of choosing another school. The main reason for this is that, the students graduating from vocational high schools have a low rate of employment. And the reason for low employment chance is that the students cannot provide what the sector requires after their graduation while they lack practical skills although they have a theoretical foundation. Satisfying the deficiencies that students in our schools experience regarding internships in our country in general and especially in our city while the industry is not developed, forms the main need of our project. Due to these needs, the schools which experience the same problems have been chosen as our consortium partners. First of these schools is the only other industrial high school in our city, Nurettin Dolgun Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and the other partner we chose is Karaköprü GAP Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School from Şanlıurfa. Within our project, 10 students from each of Electirics Electronics Technologies, Machine Technologies and Information Technologies areas of our school Patnos Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School, and 7 students from each of Electirics Electronics Technologies and Information Technologies of our consortium partner school GAP Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and 5 students from each of Electirics Electronics Technologies, Machine Technologies and Information Technologies areas of our consortium partner Nurettin Dolgun Vocatioan and Technical Anatolian High School will go to Bildungswerk Nierdersächsischer Volkshochschulen Cuxhaven, Epralima and Inforcavado firms and schools in Cuxhaven city of Germany and Arcos de Valdevez, and Barcelos cities of Portugal for an internship.In these internships our students will have satisfied their needs of a quality internship in topics of compressor service and mending in air conditioners, servo and step motor service and database programming and they will be individuals with a much higher knowledge and skills and employability. Our participating students will also experience indispensable developments in terms of language and these developments will also increase their chance of employment. Another development that our students who are participating to the project from 2 schools in Ağrı and 1 school in Şanlıurfa are the cultural developments. As Eastern and South Eastern Anatolia Regions shows a more enclaved cultural structure, our students who live in these regions will experience a cultural development that they will not be able to experience in the rest of their lives. The vocational, language and cultural developments of our students will start in the preparation activities in our country and will make the peak after their internships abroad. As management method of our project, an implementation as a consortium has been deemed appropriate and Partnership Contracts will be signed with each of our consortium partners and with the share of duties it is deemed that a more efficient project implementation will occur with less workload. Only the financial management of our project will be at our school and all the expenditures made in the project will be made by our school or will be inspected by our school. The effects of our projects on our schools will be in the internationalization and corporate capacity development areas and besides from these, good practices gained by our accompanying teachers and transferred to our schools will increase the educational capacities of our schools and with this other students in our schools will be able to make use of the vocational outputs of our project.

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3 Partners Participants