Search for European Projects

Mesleğimiz Geleceğimiz
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jun 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project is intended for the students studying at Aktepe Industrial and Vocational Hih School. (it covers Erasmus+ key action1) There have been some contracts signed and put into effect by our country and European Union to improve the quality of education, solve the problems and to achieve the standards of EU. To achieve these goals, we need to upgrade our vocational and technical education system which trains the manpower that have the knowledge, skill and equipment needed for succeeding the sectoral growth. The demand for skilled labor from employers is the key for a government to invest in vocational and technical education. To meet this demand, there should be an absolute equilibrum between labor force and employment in the field of vocational and technical education. Our county, Hassa has an agriculture based economic structure. Large and medium scale industries and organized industrial zone aren’t available in our county. Vocational education students are required to fulfill their vocational competence by completing 160-hour industrial internship or taking skills training in their last year at school. But our students have almost no chance to get skills education in business in defined vocational field. With this Project, we aim to provide some of our students with the chance to fulfill their 160-hour internship in Europe standards. In our Project, our expectations are; providing our school with the knowledge of European standards, improving vocational horizons of students, sharing the outcomes of our projects with the institutions in the district to motivate them for such projects, gaining motivation and experience for such projects and raising the employability of our students. After completing this education period, we want to organize meetings and seminars with sector representatives in order that our students will fully be employed. Placement education will be held between 04/05/2015-29/05/2015 in Germany. Students will complete their 160-hour internship at host partner institution and the other businesses that we get intent letters from. The selected country and the partner are leader in the field of Electrical and Electronics technologies.

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