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Mejorando nuestras competencias comunicativas.
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Context The project Improving Our Communicative Competence emerged in our new school centre after the merging of two schools and the progressive implementation of a biligual cirriculum which requires the teaching of non-linguistic subjects through the English language. In order to successfully teach these non-linguistic subjects and to obtain the required certification (B2) mandated to teach the biligual cirriculum, school personnel have realised the need to improve their linguistic and communicative abilities in the English Language. In addition, to complete the linguistic curriculum of the school, the extension of French as a Second Foreign Lanuage is also intended to be implemented in the near future. As a bilingual school, the organisational and methodological measures currently implemented should be reconsidered, to include the changes and modifications that the entire educational community consider necessary in order to achieve a suitable teaching/learning methodology. The experience and sharing of knowledge of the participants in the different mobile training projects, is the epicentre of making the necessary changes. Participant Profile 10 teachers are enrolled in this project with the intention of improving their linguistic and communicative abilities in the English language, all demonstrating eagerness, commitment and enthusiasm in the participation of this project. Description of Activities The project will last two academic years in which training courses in the English and French laguages will be carried out, with the inclusion of job shadowing opportunies. The experiences and life lessons will be presented to the educational community through the use of new techologies e.g. Etwininng, the school website, the library blog, etc. Project Methodology Teachers will participate in training courses and educational excursions to participating schools. Upon their return, their experiences will be shared amongst the educational community with the intention of highlighting the organisational and methodological changes required to improve both the quality and globalisation of the school. Forecast Results Results will be based on the level of linguistic competence achieved by each person, development in specific activities, the improvement of organisational methods and educational methodology, as well as personal development through observation. Additionally, the instigatation of a change of mind set of the teachers and the school, along with improving their vision of Europe by opening new lines of communication for the teaching team to allow for the commencement and maintenance of professional relationships as well as encouraging contact between students of different schools. Long Term Objectives To present the school personnel with training opportunities to improve their linguistic and communicative abilities as well as opening lines of communication with other teachers throughout Europe with the intention of overcoming the ever-present fear of communicating in a foreign language. To offer the students the opportunity to communicate with European students as it will improve their oral and aural skills. This project presents the opportunity for our school to get to know other educative and organisation systems which would advance our current curriculum and quality of education. Additionally, it allows the possibility of growing as an educational centre within the European framework. We would like other Euopean school models to be a part in our school philosophy. For our educational community, we would like these and all future experiences to be a mark in the new Erasmus, and also for it to become an exemplary model of quality education.

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