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"Mejorando el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en Lengua Inglesa: metodología, actividades y materiales"
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project's title: "Improving the quality of foreign language teaching: methodology, activities and materials". CEIP Mare de Déu del Carme is a public owned school located in the town of Maó in Menorca. It hosts students of Kindergarten ages and of Primary Education. Our school also has two specific educational units in ordinary school for pupils with special needs. It currently hosts 500 students and 40 teachers. The motivating element for the project has been the demand of training by the teachers which are or will soon being teaching any non-linguistic area. Although the teachers have, or are in the process of having, the necessary language skills to teach these areas, in most of cases their initial training did not include methodology for teaching and learning non-linguistic areas and/or AICLE's methodology. Our European development project also takes advantage of the opportunity to share training activities with particpants of other european countries, in order to open the doors of our scholl to Europe and to make contacts with other European schools for any possible partnership or collaborations in the future. The projecte has lasted 24 months and the initial actions were two mobilities for structured training in July or August 2014 and three mobilities during the following summer. The selected structured courses were focused on innovation and improving the quality of the English teaching and learning process, the AICLE methodology and, in general, on strengthening the language proficiency of our teachers. Although the beneficiaries are only five, they share with the other members of the school the materials, resources, tools, etc. in order to generate an exchange and reflexion atmosphere, focused on the European educational practice. At this point, the main and last beneficiaries are and will be our students.
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