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Mejora de la competencia matemática y su metodologías a través de las nuevas tecnologías
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT Our project is the result of our interest in developing methodological strategies in the area of Mathematics through new technologies, aiming to improve the academic results of our pupils. If we use as a point of reference the external tests done in our region (Madrid), our school is always below the average in this subject. Even if we have implemented improvement plans so as to better these results, they have not been enough. For this reason, we are interested to know how other European countries deal with Mathematics´ teaching. NUMBER AND PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS The participants will be five teachers of both childhood education and Primary School, concerned with the improvement plans of comprehension and problem-solving skills and Mathematics´ strategies developed in our school. Furthermore, they are experts in new technologies and have a good level of English (B1). DESCRIPTION OF THE ACTIVITIES 1. PREVIOUS ACTIVITIES - They have attended courses dealing with Mathematics and new technologies, such as “Mathematics: handling, logic and wit” or “TIC resources in the classroom”. - They are active participants in the technological innovation project developed in our School. - They will take part in European forums through e-twinning web, where they would be given information about the educational system of Finland and Estonia, so as to become familiar with their culture. - Conversation classes will be organized by our English teachers, in order to improve their English oral skills. 2. MOBILITY - Our teachers will attend courses related with Mathematics and new technologies, in Finland and Estonia, countries considered outstanding in both areas. The courses will last from 5 to 7 days and will take place in July and August of 2015 and 2016. - The teachers will follow a job shadowing (5 days) in two schools of both countries, during two years. 3. FINAL ACTIVITY A training workshop will be held in our school (Wednesdays from 12:30 to 14:20), in which the chosen teachers will share the knowledge and experience acquired in Finnish and Estonian´s schools with the rest of the faculty members, both theoretically and through practice. This workshop will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on our students´ learning process. We are sure that the outcome of our teacher´s mobility will be very positive for our School, and will both promote opening up to European strategies to learn to learn in Mathematics and TIC and create a European area of learning and good practices.

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