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Mejora de la Competencia en comunicación lingüística en los centros europeos
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project has been developed by the associated schools to improve the students´ communicative competence. This competence is the key to acquire the rest of the competences and knowledge for the Secondary Education Curriculum in the frame of the European Union, as it represents the way of transmission and acquisition of the knowledge that students must get during this educative stage. This stage is the key for the training of the students of the 21st century. Although oral and written expression are correct in informal contexts, when communication takes place in a more academic or formal context there are mistakes that must be corrected. These mistakes have been detected both, in the vernacular language and in the second language of the project, that is taught as L2 in all the schools. The objective is to achieve the improvement of communicative competence in the field of language teaching and also in the rest of subjects that belong to the Secondary Education curriculum. To take part in a European project is justified by the fact that teachers can learn good teaching practices and methodologies in different educational contexts to improve learning and results. On the other hand it is also an enriching experience for the students, based on the knowledge of cultural realities different from their own, that will make them conscious of the supranational European reality. The contact with students from other countries will foster the use of the rest of competences to handle themselves in a different reality. Four schools from different countries of the European Union participate in this project. Both, the Mediterranean world and northern Europe are present. In all cases, they are schools that have the same concern about this topic and the same needs of improvement, despite the geographical distance. The project is based on the deep analysis of native and foreign methodologies of teaching communicative competence. On a second stage, these methodologies are shared to create a catalogue of good teaching practices that could be incorporated in the educational practice of each school. After this stage the results that we get from this new teaching practice must be evaluated in a continuous process. This way, from the areas that teach linguistic subjects we move to the rest of the subjects of the curriculum. It is very important for us that all the materials, reports and conclusions during the process are available for the rest of the educational community, the schools, professionals and researchers interested in the subject. In fact, we will try to hold a conference to show the process and the results. In the long term, we want to improve the students´ academic results, so that they finish the last stage of their education knowing how to handle this competence perfectly to be citizens completely integrated in the sociocultural reality of their time.
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