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Meeting European Labour Market and Organization of Vocational Training in Europe
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Teachers of Vocational subjects, masters of Vocational training and students of Secondary Vocational school of Trade and Services in Nova Bana, Slovakia and two partner organizations ADC College, Great Britain and CASA DA EDUCACAO, Portugal will participate in the project " Meeting European Labour Market and Organization of Vocational Training in Europe". The main purpose of the project is to acquaint with the European labour market and organization of vocational training in Europe. Main aims of the projects are: - to improve the quality of vocational education at Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Nova Bana through lifelong learning programmes for teachers - to promote cooperation between partner organizations- Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Nova Bana and ADC Colledge, United Kingdom and CASA DA EDUCACAO, Portugal in quality assurance in all sectors of education and training graduates for international and national labour market - to support the training of teachers and students at Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Nova Bana - to promote the study of English language skills and improve language skills of project participants - to support the development of innovations based on ICT in education and lifelong learning of staff - to promote competition, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit of teachers and students of the school - to increase the attractiveness of vocational education and training at Secondary Vocational School of Trade and Services in Nova Bana The participiants of the project will be 6 teachers of Vocational subjects, masters of Vocational training and 12 students from departments Business and Trade, Public Catering, Chef, Waiter/ waitress with 2 accompanying persons of Secondary Vocational school of Trade and Services in Nova Bana, Slovakia. The main criteria for choice will be motivation to learn and gain new experinces and skills, participation in after-school activities and projects of the school, for students - studying results and representation of the school in competitions and projects, for staff - interst in life - long learning education and cooperation on creation of basic curricula of the school. The main activities for mobility of a staff in vocational education and training: - vocational training in the United Kingdom, presentations and visit of educational institutions - new forms and methods in teaching vocational subjects ( workshops) - job- shadowing and vistis of secondary schools, providing vocational education and training - management and administration in secondary schools in the UK with focus on vocational education providers The main activities for mobility of students in vocational education and training: - referring to preparing different dishes of Portugese cuisine - referring to the placement being realized ( breakfast, lunch, dinner) - to take and serve dishes and drinks - to professionally communicate with the customers in English - teamwork in order to achive working tasks - referring to the implementation of hygiene and labour protection standards - referring to performing services in the Hallway, each floor and Room Service - to use and fill in specific documents of the hotel

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