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MEDiterranean DEvelopment of Support schemes for solar Initiatives and Renewable Energies (MED DESIRE)
Start date: Jan 30, 2013, End date: Dec 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project in brief Solar technology markets have experienced a steady growth in the last decade on the northern shore of the Mediterranean basin while the situation is still at a premature stage in Southern Partner Countries. Notwithstanding the shared political commitment and a common recognition of the huge solar potential of the Mediterranean region, some barriers to solar energy deployment and diffusion persist. These include amongst others weak institutional frameworks, lack of competence of energy practitioners, need of dedicated financial instruments, inadequate perception on the benefits of solar energy investments, subsidized prices of electricity produced byfossil fuel plants and technical issues (such as the quality of equipments and installations). MED-DESIRE main priority is to achieve tangible results on these challenges, removing barriers related to the legal, regulatory, economic and organizational framework of distributed solar energy technologies.Specific objectiveTo facilitate the take up of distributed solar energy and energy efficiency in the target regions, by achieving an effective cross-border cooperation and by raising public awareness on the related benefits for the environment and for sustainable local development. Expected Results: • Strengthened capacity of public administrations and regional institutions • Higher and more diffused competences of local technicians and professionals, facilitating the removal of the main technical barriers for distributed solar technology • Innovative tailored financial mechanisms and market stimulation instruments designed to support the widespread diffusion of solar energy technologies • Strengthened participatory approaches and increased awareness among public and private local stakeholders • A wide consensus achieved amongst public and private key stakeholders on the central role of renewable energies for sustainable development and environmental protection • A cooperation framework established among providers of energy technologies and services in EU Mediterranean Countries and Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) to foster the development of a sustainable common energy market.

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  • 90%   4 023 417,24
  • 2007 - 2013 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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8 Partners Participants