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Media Literacy - 21st Century Approach to Education (MLEDU)
Start date: Sep 26, 2010, End date: Sep 25, 2012 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims at increasing school students media literacy and interest in local issues. This is done through improvement of media study programmes in local schools in the regions of Tartu and Madona, also attracting the media professionals. Seminars, practical workshops, study visits to media organizations and students own creative activities are carried out within the project, and school exchanges help to improve the quality and attract higher interest of the Estonian and Latvian students in the media world. See also project coverage in Latvian National TV programme "iESpēja" Achievements: The goal of the Project was to develop young peoples media competence (media literacy), the media curriculum in Lähte Gymnasium, and to create conditions for media teaching in Madona Gümnaasium. They started by providing media-related extracurricular activities, but as soon as they have the experience, they include media studies in their curriculum as we do. In addition to this, the Project gives opportunities for international co-operation between students as well as experience with international communication. In addition to students collaboration, teachers have also had meetings both in Tartu and Madona, where media curriculum and future events have been planned. The project helps to enhance young peoples media competencies and media literacy. Through learning how the media stories are produced, students also learn how to be critical towards information provided through the media.More information please find at:

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  • 85%   49 942,51
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia - Latvia (EE-LV)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

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