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Media Experience
Start date: Dec 31, 2014, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Erasmus+ proposal has the aim to enable our students to spend four weeks in England for a language course and an internship. All of our students are currently enrolled in a program for a dual vocational education and training. They are in their second year or at the end of their first year of studies at our school and are about 18 to 22 years old. All of them are working in publishing companies, advertisement companies or in film and television companies. Typically they are working in small and medium sized companies that are not able to send their students abroad. Nevertheless their field of employment is characterized by an increasing internationalization. In order to prepare our students for the job market and increase their employability, we want to offer them the chance to spend one part of their vocational training abroad. We want to give them the opportunity to broaden their horizon and increase their understanding for a different culture by spending time in an English company as well as by interacting with their host families in England. Furthermore we want to enable them to use the language skills they have acquired in school. We believe that the students will not only be able to enrich their own lives with this experience but that they will also gain a higher employability for their current or future companies. They will obtain the Europass Mobility as well as a diploma supplement confirming their internship, language skills as well as the additional professional skills they have obtained during this internship abroad. With these measures we want to increase their chances both on the national and international job market.
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