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Mechatronikas - inovatyvių technologijų specialistas
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There is a growing need for modern technology in Lithuanian industry; more and more companies invest in robots and computer operating equipment and machines. Currently, the modern equipment industry is one of the most important and promising manufacturing industries both in Lithuania and the European Union by generated GDP. The XXI century is the era of robots, smart machines and other high-throughput production technologies. In general Lithuanian engineering and modern technology industry is rapidly progressing, engineers create, maintain and continuously improve the production of equipment and technology for business and our daily lives, so demand of good mechatronics specialists is growing rapidly as in Lithuania, as in around the world.However, according to surveys 44 % of Lithuania industrial companies are facing a shortage of skilled workers, as is often the demand for specialists and number of graduates is virtually unrelated sizes. In 2014 Visaginas TVPMC opened the Sectoral practical training center of Energetic industry, where welders, mechatronics, electricians, electro , mechanics and other VET programmes are provided. Having in mind the situation in the labour market , we believe that in order to make a mechatronic specialist the VET Center must provide not only theoretical knowledge but also assure that students will get practical training skills with modern equipment. We sure, that the last phase of training should be practice in enterprises and training centers in Lithuania and foreign countries , because for students it is very important to know the real world of work, to get acquainted with the working methods of the specifics of access to cultural differences. On the other hand, the quality of education for the students depends on the teacher's profession knowledge and requires for VET teachers to constantly improve their qualifications, to use only the most modern methods of learning, and try as often as possible to improve the content of training programs to meet labour market needs. Lithuania is a part of the European Union, which means that the national level is becoming less important; we have to look at things globally, so high qualification specialist will be demanded not only in Lithuania, but in Europe as well. Each year Lithuanian VET school students are looking for work not only in Lithuania, but also in foreign enterprises and institutions, so the knowledge of other county’s working methods, knowledge of the specific guarantee better access to employment in other countries.So this main purpose of this project - to increase the internship opportunities for the student of mechatronics VET programmes and for VET teachers, thus acquiring the professional skills necessary for successful integration into the labour market. The project involves four vocational training institutions in Lithuania, which provides mechatronics VET programmes. Project participants - 30 mechatronic students and 12 VET teachers, who will participate in internship or work observation in Italy, Spain and Ireland.Project participants will have an internship in industrial enterprises, training centers for 3 -week internship program, o VET teachers – one week job observation programme. Participants will become familiar with the working methods, and professional specifics of the work from the inside , will get to know how to work in team , learn the impact of their work to the company's activities . They will also have the opportunity to work with the new equipment, devices. All internship participants will receive Europass mobility documents, internship will be accepted as part of vocational training and for teachers – as qualification development courses. The impact of the project for the partners organizations: will get experience in international project management, will provide the opportunity for students and teachers to have practice in the profession in foreign countries, thus promoting the profession and training institutions to improve their image. Impact for target groups (companies): better - prepared with practical experience in foreign companies and training centers students - potential employees, which do not require additional training from the company's funds, better offer of the engineering and business professionals in the labour market.

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