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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The leader of the consortium is the Regional Center of Competences - Foundation headquartered in the middle of region in Bialystok, with its 5 active staff which currently provides actions for improving the quality of education and development of qualifications in the whole region. The foundation works with around 40 institutions related with education and trainings as well as project implementation.Members of the consortium:1. On behalf of the ZSM Łapy consortium consists of Technical and Vocational School.2. On behalf of ZST Kolno consortium consists the Technical and Vocational School.3. On behalf of the ACE consortium includes the Technical No. 1, Vocational School No. 1.The possibility of obtaining good profession is a great opportunity for a good job and a decent life. The foundation and the schools actions so far indicates the great needs of young people to acquire all kinds of skills for future work and it was an incentive to build a strong consortium, as a result of applying for funding for international internships.The Consortium has extensive experience in the context of internships, which last year was attended by a total of 187 students. The fact that the students so enthusiastically took part in them, on their own initiative signed up to participate, and completed internships at the teacher inquired whether the school will still pursue similar practices. This prompted the school to make a project on mobility abroad in cooperation with the foundation, which goals aim toward this kind of activities.The project will include the three-week internships in Lithuania, which will be attended by a total of 3 groups of vocational school students participating in the consortium (24 pupils).The project participants (interns) will be on the 8 students ZSM Łapy, ZST Kolno and ACE mechanical technicians and electomechanics of motor vehicles.The groups will be accompanied by a 3 tutors (one from each school). Mobility is planned for April-May 2017 during the period of compulsory school placements. Partner will ensure internship program at local employers in the engineering (mechanical) industry, according to the profession. Project will familiarize students with the practical elements of their profession, the education system and confirmation of qualifications, the organizational structure of entrepreneurs, many of theoretical and practical in companies, as well as work with the international community. According to the latest statistics, the most popular professions in Lithuania is a cook, mechanic and driver. On the website of the Lithuanian Ministry of Economy, sectors considered by the Lithuanian authorities as the high opportunity sectors are: mechanical engineering and electrical engineering.The main objectives of the project:- Raising the level of key competences and skills through learning mobility and cooperation between the worlds of education and work for 24 students till May 2017,- Increase innovation and internationalization of the consortium till May 2017,- Refer to the members of the consortium with the best practices in the use of European instruments to facilitate the recognition and transfer of qualifications till May 2017,- Fluent use of foreign languages by 24 students till May in 2017.The applicant institution and the schools of the consortium will increase the prestige and the opinion of their educational institutions - both among current students and their parents and among the candidates for the school. Thanks to the project will increase the attractiveness of a consortium of schools for the potential students who can count on the participation in similar internship projects in the future.Also, local education authorities and local government will look differently toward schools from consortium, their potential and capabilities and the ability to self-create events that strengthen their educational potential.Other benefits for the consortium developed by the project results will be:-developing contacts which provide an opportunity for further development and implementation of projects;-getting to know practical solutions used in European companies and institutions;-ability to work together on a common problem with partners from other countries;-exchanging experience, knowledge and good practices;-raising professional qualifications of foreign students according to european standards;-developing innovative solutions or transfering them into the activities of vocational education and training.
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