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Me & Migration - Unterstützungsansätze für junge Menschen, die sich in der Flüchtlingshilfe engagieren (möchten)
Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Feb 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"How can we as organisations in the field of international youth work and international volunteering react to the current migration flows? What opportunities do we have to support volunteers in this area and to apply our intercultural know-how?” In a joint effort with partner organisations from Finland, the UK, Italy, Serbia, Spain, the Czech Republic and Hungary, IBG aims to tackle these and similar questions in the project “Me & Migration”. During the past few months, questions such as these have been raised by voluntary and full-time staff as well as in an ongoing dialogue with international partner organisations. “Me & Migration” aims to find answers to those questions. Principles and objectives such as “Contribution towards Peace and International Understanding”, “European Citizenship” or “International Solidarity” get new meanings and commit us to turning towards this topic. At the same time, it is obvious that as soon as we enter the field of social work, there are limits with respect to capacity, mission and professionalism. It becomes clear that the organisations cannot adopt the tasks of typical migration services. However, they can contribute with enriching and supportive elements. What elements there may be precisely, and how organisations can prepare their volunteers and support them will be the central topics of the project. There are three components that illuminate them from different perspectives and in distinct activities:1.) Trainings for voluntary and full-time youth workers/group leaders working with teenagers and young people who want to get involved or are involved in working with and for refugees. In these trainings, practical tools to support volunteers shall be developed and tested. 2.) Youth Exchange ( + APV): “Me & Migration - be(come) active”: Young people who already work or want to get involved in working with refugees can exchange their ideas about the topic and develop their personal answer.3.) Seminar for representatives of the participating partner organisations (all of them in the field of international youth work and international volunteering) to exchange views about their work, to summarise experiences from the previous components, and, on the basis of this summary, to find their role in refugee work. Furthermore, in this seminar, transferable courses of action and support structures shall be developed. This project aims to contribute towards a stronger solidarity, to the propagation of common European values, and to support intercultural and mutual understanding and convey a sense of belonging. Young people shall become aware of the consequences and potential of their own contribution towards the shaping of society and they shall obtain the best possible support in their activities. Appropriate tools which help achieve this and which may at the same time be transferred to other organisations will be the result of this project. Especially during the seminar (activity no. 3) and in collaboration with the partner organisations, the question shall be explored to what extent current developments impact on Europe as a political union and the “European Awareness”, and with what kind of means we as organisations with a clear European orientation can react. There is an enormous tension resulting from most different national frameworks - whereas in one country the state sponsors organisations in their work with and for refugees, in other countries NGOs and young people have to fear reprisals if they openly avow that they support refugees.
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9 Partners Participants