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Materials and drives for High & Wide efficiency electric powertrains (HI-WI)
Start date: Dec 1, 2010, End date: May 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Presently, drives for Fully Electric Vehicles and Hybrid Electric Vehicles develop their highest efficiency of around 93~95% within a speed range of usually 1/4 to 1/3 of the maximum, and at an ideal torque, whereas in real-life driving cycles the motor operates at a wider range of speeds and at partial load, resulting in much lower efficiency.Hi-Wi will address this mismatch by advancing the design and manufacture of drive trains through:- Holistic design across magnetic, thermal, mechanical and control electronics/algorithms in line with real-life use rather than a single-point “rating”.- The use of variable flux approaches in which the flux of the motor can be adjusted in real-time according to the load condition to maximise efficiency.In addition to the above efficiency gains, Hi-Wi will couple its novel design approach to breakthroughs in materials and manufacturing, winning size, weight, logistical and cost savings through:- Adopting nano-scale materials advances to create superior field strengths with reduced reliance upon rare earths and their economically-vulnerable strategic supply chains.- Adopting nano-scale manufacturing advances to create permanent magnets having ideal geometries, reduced size and weight, and improved mechanical and thermal behaviour.The 3-year Hi-Wi project will deliver:- Innovative approaches to the holistic design and modelling of rotating magnetic machines tailored specifically to the in-use conditions of FEV and HEV drive cycles.- Breakthrough materials and manufacturing advances based upon a fusion of nano-scale science and high-technology high-speed production techniques.- The prototyping and demonstration of innovative drive topologies showing high efficiencies over the wide torque/speed range demanded by real-use driving cycles.- Guidelines and IPR to support a world-leading EU position in the economic mass manufacture of motors to exploit the global uptake of FEV and HEV mobili"
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