European Projects
Matching green Skills supply with green labour mar..
Matching green Skills supply with green labour market Needs
Start date: Dec 31, 2014,
End date: Dec 30, 2016
More than 20 million European jobs are already linked to the environment in some way and as the EU gears up for a greener future that figure is only going to increase. The EU is committed to growing the economy while protecting the earth and its precious resources. Among the priorities laid down in Europe 2020, the EU’s new economic strategy, stress the need for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. That means building a competitive, low-carbon, resource-efficient economy and safeguarding the environment by preventing degradation, biodiversity loss and the unsustainable use of resources.
It is important to stress that green jobs are not just hi-tech jobs for the educated elite. For sure Europe needs scientists, researchers and engineers to develop cutting-edge technologies that will save energy and resources. However, the work is also carried out by people with intermediate level training: Vocational Education and Training, VET. It is essential therefore that these workers get the training they need to exploit the latest green technologies and applications.
But according to the Communication from the Commission (COM (2010) 682 final), “An Agenda for new skills and jobs: A European contribution towards full employment”, the problem is not the lack of training, but the need of matching skills supply with labour market needs.
In the Commission Staff Working Document (SWD) 2012 92 final, “Exploiting the employment potential of green growth” it is appointed that special attention has to be paid to SMEs and their needs. Often, SMEs are not aware of training schemes offered by private and public training providers and/ or are skeptical about such programs, however, are open to in-house informal training (e.g. tutorship, mentorship, apprenticeship, work-based learning, etc) as a preferential way of recruiting skilled workers.
To reach this objective of bridging the gap between green education and green work, it seems more efficient working in a partnership way in order to cooperate, innovate and share good practices. And according to the programme’s guide, as regards vocational education and training, priority will be given to projects developing partnerships between education and employment. That is why we have chosen organizations linked to education (FEUZ in Spain), as training providers (INOVA+ and EEO Group in Portugal and Greece), and organizations linked to employment, as chambers of commerce and industry (COCI Zaragoza and IHK-Projekt in Spain and Germany).
The work plan is structured into 8 WPs:
WP.1. Management and coordination
WP.2. State of the art
WP.3. Mapping green labour market needs
WP.4. Mapping green skills
WP.5. Strategic benchmarking
WP.6. Bridging the gap between green market labour needs and green skills supply
WP.7. Quality control and monitoring
WP.8. Communication, valorization and project transfer
First step of the implementation phase will be the definition of the state of art of policies and measures implemented by the States involved in the project towards the development of the green economy to design the conceptual framework of the same one.
The second step will be to identify and gather the current green market labour needs of the companies located in the regions involved in the project. 15 green occupations from the recycling & waste management, transportation & logistics, vehicle manufacturing and agro food industry, will be selected and their skill profile identified.The third step will be to identify and gather the main courses and trainings related to green skills that are being run in each region involved in the project. Afterwards, partners will exchange experiences and will identify and gather the best practices to bridge the gap between existing green skills (WP4) and green labour market needs (WP3). These practices can be related to traditional training schemes or other more “informal” schemes as e-training, in-house training, a work experience, a work placement, a work-based learning, etc. And the final step will be the definition and description of 15 roadmaps, which will match the specific company green need with the specific green skill supply.
Expected impact of the project is promoting mutual learning among partners and key stakeholders and enhancing transferability of the most effective strategies to match the green market labour needs with the green skills supply.
The desired impact of the project, at all governance levels, is to support the growth of the green economy by means of adequate and effective training policies and strategies ensuring their continuous adaptation to the changing requirements of SMEs anticipating skills mismatches.