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Master on Logistics and Supply Chain Management

The Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), the Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg (Germany), the University of Genoa (Italy), the Riga Technical University (Latvia), the University of Linköping (Sweden) and the Montan University of Leoben (Austria) are developing a Joint Degree Master Programme entitled Logistics and Supply Chain Management (LSCM) according to the principles of the Bologna Declaration. The new envisaged programme has as the main goal the education of professionals able to take decisions in LSCM considering the operational, tactical and strategic aspects in Logistics and Supply Chain management from an integrated perspective by covering the technological, engineering and business related subjects. The main objectives of the project are: • Definition of an innovative programme, paying special attention to information technologies, able to give the proper answer to the new challenges in a sector which is crucial for company efficiency and competitiveness and, therefore, for European competitiveness. • Give response to a need in present economy of well-educated professionals in the logistics and supply chain field by identifying the common ground and foundations required to fit the learning skills and competencies expected by the labour market in this sector. • Give a European dimension to the Master programme. This effort becomes of major relevance since LSCM is essentially the organization and realization of an inter-organizational and, frequently, trans-national flows (of goods, services, and related information). Promotion and intensification of the student and teachers mobility will contribute to provide student with this essential trans-national view. • Increase the volume of cooperation between higher education institutions and enterprises by setting the proper links and communication channels. Professional sector, bodies and associations will be involved both during the curriculum development (programme advising and quality assessment) and delivery (seminars, real case-study, practicum) All needed efforts will be done in order to achieve the programme accreditation and to implement the new Joint Master degree after the project ends. The duration of the programme is two-year and 120 ECTS.
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