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Marketing 3.0 for Tourism
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project stems from researches and analysis of tourist sector, developed by the Consortium, and the comparison with national and European researches.The High Schools involved in the project come from the following Provinces: Lucca, Pisa , Massa-Carrara and La Spezia.Thanks to their important landscape setting, as well as, their cultural and artistic heritage, these areas are provided by a huge potential in the field of tourism.The modern tourist is not more satisfied to receive only information; new languages are required to tell about a territory: it is important to focus on a place and enhance its identity, in order to tell its story. At the same time a vineyard or a wine cellar could be a more visited site and a storytelling place. Some itineraries will combine with others through a leitmotiv, realizing a thematic map of a country. Tourist wants to learn from the territory, becoming the protagonist and also the promoter, sharing and comparing its experience (posting photos, leaving feedback, making "responsible" travels).The development of our society and new communication systems shift the attention from information to the storytelling, a perfectly combination of experiences. Therefore, our wonderful natural, cultural and agri-food heritage becomes the narrative focus. In this regard, it is interesting to examine how some countries can have a relevant success in the tourism, despite their historical, artistic, natural background and their low quality products.The abroad mobility experience is addressed to 90 young people attended the last year of High School or students that have ended it within one year, in tourism and business sector. The project aims to contribute to the professional growth of the future storyteller and the development of those sectors that can take advantage of 3.0 emotional marketing. Moreover, through the research of feelings aroused by a territory, the comparison with creative solutions and an active use of storytelling techniques, participants will be encouraged to take a new look at their country, increasing their sense of belonging and active involvement. The participants will carry out a 3 weeks internship in the following countries: UK, Spain, Malta and Ireland. Candidates will be introduced in companies dealing with emotional marketing and storytelling; they will develop specific competences related to the process of territory storytelling, adopting the “emotional” strategy.Each High School will activate the recruitment of candidates through specific advertising measures. The selection process will identify candidates with the skills and competences required.The mobility preparation will last 51 hours divided into seminars (15 hours) and e-learning (36 hours).The workshops will take place at each High School with the topics listed below:1) Information about management of administrative documents and access mode to the self-learning courses and the FAD courses that will integrate experts' actions.2) Security field and emotional marketing.3) Connection between tourism and territory.4) Analysis of self-entrepreneurship and final project evaluations.It is also planned an additional FAD language course in English or Spanish.For each mobility it will be prepared an individual plan on the basis of participants' competences entry level and their personal characteristics, not forgetting, the defined learning outcomes:a) Design, definition and promotion of tourist development plans (Tuscany Region professional figures repertoire, activity area number 377).b) Adopt 3.0 marketing techniques to increase the territory value.The matching between participants and host company will be established in collaboration with our host organizations.The following project phase will concern the organization of the mobility and then the departure. Before these steps a meeting will take place to give participants the handbook and airline tickets.The monitoring will be provided by partner staff and all members of the Consortium through skype contacts, e-mail and a blog.At the end of this experience the hosting organization will give participants the Europass mobility and the ECVET certificate of the skills and competences acquired. Serindform srl will issue a certificate of attendance and the certification of learning outcomes.The last project phase will concern the dissemination of the results achieved. These activities will directly involve the High Schools and all potentially interested subjects, who however operate in different area contexts. In addition, some actions of job orientation will be planned. The mobility experience will allow students to improve their curricula and course of studies with new technical and vocational competences. These competences will be useful for business system development of those sectors related to the territorial marketing. As a result, the companies could improve their market penetration, exploiting the potential of new technologies.
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7 Partners Participants