Mark my day!
Start date: Jun 1, 2012,
The project "Mark my day" focuses on the activities of marking International and National dates related tohuman rights, gender equality and minority rights - International Day for Tolerance, Roma day, Combatingcervical cancer National day, World AIDS Day, etc.. The service takes place in Croatia, Medjimurje County,and will last for 10 mounts. The project will last for 17 mounts.Marking of these days by different educational activities in order to raise public awareness and making thistopics/problems more visible so we can cause positive change are the main activities of our project.Actions gives possibility of the maximal involvement of all people interested and promotes free access toinformation, EU citizenship, anti-discrimination, inclusion and voluntarism. Activities are arrangedthroughout the year, and the days are marked ether by lectures, workshops, forums or other activities,depending on preferences, abilities and skills of EVS volunteer. The Volunteer will actively participate inthe design of all actions according to their own interest, skills and expertise and his / her ideas will greatlycontribute to the enrichment of the local community and the NGO Dawn. Through out the project we willfilm and photograph our activities, create a bilingual booklet and a short video showing the activities thatthe volunteer has participated in, promote voluntarism and EVS program. Project will give the opportunityto our EVS volunteer, to Dawn team and whole community to grow and practice active participation andtolerance.