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Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The terms of reference for the strategic plan stressed the need to launch joint cross-border strategy to promote the development of innovation and entrepreneurship, the broader objective of the competitiveness of rural areas and tourism, with the involvement of all area covered by the Operational Programme IT-Maritime FR.In light of such an approach, the project will develop various activities related mainly to the rural economy in the sense of the word, then the productive activities including agriculture and fisheries, and services related to these exogenous factors that play a role as economic catalysts for these segments of the economy (tourism and innovation).These activities are divided into 6 and 1 Sub-Action System that, over 3 years, will be developed to achieve the overall objective and specific objectives.The project includes the direct involvement of the 4 regional governments, which will form the steering committee and will be direct beneficiaries of some more activities aimed at creating common tools and shared governance of rural areas.The project also includes the involvement of some of the larger partnership with regional agencies, scientific institutions and local authorities that will ensure the proper conduct of operation and more activities targeted to businesses and the synergy with the tourist flow and transfer of innovation .The project provides for the involvement in the operational phase also representing the interests of private entrepreneurship, agricultural and fisheries.The planned activities are of different nature but can be traced to the following types:- Exchange of experiences through the establishment of working groups or interest groups;- Development of methodologies for management and planning;- Implementation and monitoring of plans aimed at optimizing the exploitation of resources and their exploitation;- Transfer of innovative systems for agriculture and fisheries for the purpose of improving production conditions;- Establishment of demonstration centers for the permanent improvement of marketing of agricultural food production and the exploitation of biological resources in the countryside;- Creating synergies between private operators to improve their marketing systems in agribusiness;- Demonstration and outreach activities. Expected Results:  tools of governance for recovery and protection of territories (rural, agricultural, forestry, marine)  Protection and promotion of rural resources, forestry and fishing  Dissemination of good practice the adjustment of production systems that insist on agriculture and fishing  Improved supply food and wine tourism  Improving the competitiveness of the primary sector  Joint actions of communication, promotion and marketing
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  • 75%   4 500 000,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Italy - France Maritime (IT-FR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants