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Mapping the implementation and application of the Standards and Guidelines for the Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG)
Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

In the Bergen meeting of May 2005, the Ministers adopted the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) drafted by ENQA with the support of EUA, ESU and EURASHE.Since 2005, the wide-ranging application of the ESG can be considered a major achievement of the Bologna Process. The ESG form the overarching framework of quality assurance in the EHEA. The main purpose of the ESG is to guarantee professionally conducted QA procedures on a high quality level by providing a common ground of shared values and principles and professionally sound processes with participation of all stakeholders. Being the authors of the ESG as well as the founding members of the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR), ENQA, EUA, ESU and EURASHE, forming the E4 Group, have had a major impact in the enhancement of common European approaches to QA. It can be stated that with the support of the ESG, a common understanding of QA has been formed and the ESG have fostered the European dimension of QA. However, the work still continues and a full implementation is still to be achieved. Also for that reason, a mapping exercise is necessary in order to evaluate the implementation and application of the ESG and to discover areas of the ESG that might not correspond to the current challenges of higher education.The main output of the project is a report on the application and implementation of the ESG. Based on this report, Ministers of Education of the Bologna signatory countries will be able consider the current status in the application and implementation of the ESG. The ministers are also suggested to carefully consider whether they see a necessity that a revision of the ESG is needed. The report will be prepared for the ministerial conference taking place in Bucharest, Romania on 27-28 April 2012. The language of the project and outputs is English.

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