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Managing Yourself II- Achievement, Inspiration, Motivation(Organisational Units Restructured- Achievement, Inspiration, Motivation)
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our recent project MY AIM the self-management approach has been implemented as an integral element of work placements abroad. Additionally, MY AIM II/ OUR AIM: „Managing Yourself and Organisational Units Restructured: Achievement, Inspiration, Motivation“ broadens the perspective offering further education to educational staff in schools and companies in order to develop a wider European perspective in vocational training. Focusing our project on more target groups serves the organisational development of our school and our partners in a widening European/ global context. MY AIM II/ OUR AIM therefore follows a consistent development, continuing the approach of our first project in a broader context.As a certified European School the Berufskolleg Mönchengladbach encourages and supports students in developing a broad European perspective. Promoting mobility is especially emphasized. The project MY AIM II/ OUR AIM- „Managing Yourself and Organisational Units Restructured: Achievement, Inspiration, Motivation“ is directed at trainees and VET students and aditionally focuses on training staff in schools and companies. We offer 60 participants the possibility to do a work placement in another European country so that they can try out and put into practice their professional, linguistic and personal competences in new challenging contexts.MY AIM combined central objectives promoted by the ERASMUS+-programme - lifelong learning, further development of employability, internationalisation of professional education as well as recognition and certification of learning outcomes – with a self-management approach. The tools and instruments used in self-management (planning tools, setting objectives, feedback-analysis) are especially suited to develop and expand personal competences in the context of European work placements. The follow-up project MY AIM II/ OUR AIM now aims at implementing these objectives on all organisational levels: on the individual level of the trainee, on the organisational of the school itself, on the level of cooperations with our partner companies.ECVET-principles (recognition of learning outcomes, identification of units of learning) and ECVET-instruments are essential elements of the general project management as well as tools for managing the participants´ learning process.The project MY AIM/ OUR AIM will have a decisive influence on:- the internationalisation of vocational training concepts - the „Europeanisation“ of professional qualifications- the participants´ abilities to organize and influence their professional development actively, autonomously and self-confidently and to discover broader perspectives regarding their professional mobility- the cooperating companies to take into account not only purely professional skills, but to a larger extent personal competences - the Berufskolleg Volksgartenstraße to focus more on students´ individual competences and learning processes and to develop an even broader European perspective in professional educationThe results of MY AIM will be presented to and made available for a broad public.

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