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Management sostenibile delle spiagge siciliane e maltesi (Ma.Spi.)
Start date: Dec 31, 2006, End date: Nov 14, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context:Neither Sicily nor Malta at present have strategies for the management of their beaches, therefore, the proposed project represents a pilot action in the improvement of the management of the selected beaches and the strategy of management in both countries. The management of beaches is a relatively new discipline within the broader goal of integrated management of coastal, and the project provides an opportunity for partners to fill a leadership role in the development of this system. Aims: The project intends to pursue the following main objectives: Valuing the coastal heritage, particularly the beaches, Ragusa and Malta; Creating joint strategies regarding the management and promotion of tourism products between the two coasts. Expected Results: • Cooperazione e scambio di esperienze nel campo del patrimonio costiero• Censimento delle spiagge di Malta e di Ragusa• Definizione di Piani per la gestione sostenibile delle spiagge maltesi e ragusane di particolare interesse ambientale• Costruzione di un database ed elaborazione congiunta di un GIS (Sistema Geografico Informatico).

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  • 75.1%   289 664,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Italy - Malta (IT-MT)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants