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Management Skills in an Intercultural Context
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Jul 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project is a joint venture beween Ludwig-Bölkow-Schule, Staatliche Berufsschule Donauwörth, and Berufsschule in Schwandorf/Nabburg, which are both vocational schools. We plan to send 40 apprentices training to be bank-, industrial- and office management assistants as well as management assistants for wholesale and foreign trade to the European College of Business and Management (ECBM) in London, where they will participate in a management programme. The trainiees will parttake in a course from 9:30 each morning (weekdays) until 16:45 in the afternoon. The contents of the programme is closely conneced to the business aspect of their studies at their vocational schools. They aim at achieving management skills, the enhancement of their business knowledge and a broardened sesitivity for inetercultural aspects and improvement of their langugage skills. Both the preparation and the post-processing are carried out by the German vocational schools, as well as the organisation. The ECBM on the other hand is responsible for the realization of the project, including host family accommodation, the final exams and the issue of course certificates (PDP-Certificate) and the KIC-Certifikate (Kaufmann International Certificate). The vocational schools Schwandorf/Nabburg and Donauwörth are responsible for the europass-documents (mobility and languages) The participants are instructed by lecturers which have taught or are still teaching at British univeristies. Also, they are asked to hand in a written paper on a topic of their own choice. They reseach this topic independently on the internet. They write their paper using the proper software. In addition, the participants give a talk on their topic, which they prepare and present in a professional way. Tuition at the college takes place through blended learning, which aims at effective and complex understanding of multilayer contexts. The goal of this project is for the participants to acquire management-skills, learn new ways in communicating, be sensitised and identify with respect to intercultural aspects and to enhance their foreign language skills. The project results are published in the local press and via internet. They are presented in the vocational schools and published in internal newsletters. For communicaton between the participating institutions, the common new technologies are employed, such as e-mail, intranet with chat), but also the traditional channels of communication are made use of: the telephone and last but not least eye-to-eye communication. Benefits for the participants are clearly an improvement of their chances of finding a job and their personality development. Companies, which send out their trainees, receive professionally, methodically and interculturally well trained employees able to express themselves freely in the business language English. This enhances the position of the participating companies in the market. The rural regions from which the participants come, receive a plus of highly qualified business employees with every deployment. This not only strenghthens the region's position within Germany, but also in comparison to the rest of Europe. All in all, it is also the German economy that profits - also from an awareness of being a growing part of the international community.
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