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Management of Water Resources and Wetland Protection in Tourism Developing Areas (MANWATER)
Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project MANWATER has as main objective to present the existing situation regarding the management of water resources and wetland areas emphasizing on sufficiency, preservation and protection of available resources. The project foresees the application of a sustainable and innovative methodology for water resources management in geographic areas selected in the participating countries as areas where water scarcity strongly limits industry, agriculture, urban development. Specifically, there will be made an effort for the identification and recognition of the value of water resources, the improvement of demand - supply balance of water, as well as the development and application of economic tools for the management of water resources including methods of agricultural exploitation, irrigation technologies, and waste water management. Biological structures and development on our planet demand continuous supply of sweet water in proper quality and enough quantity. With the term rational management of water resources it is meant the scientific and operational practices through which supply and demand of water will be balanced in a way that equal satisfaction of needs in water is met together with preservation of environmental systems. At the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) held in Johannes-burg during August-September 2002, the international community recognized that to achieve our goal of sustainable development we have to revisit, reorient and enhance our efforts at the international, regional and national level to promote peaceful and mutually beneficial management of our shared natural resources. It is recognized that a water crisis, associated with both the quantity and quality of water, is foreseeable in the future. It could affect every aspect of life, from ecosystems and the environment, to food security, to health, human rights and cultural heritage. Such a crisis could shape significantly the policies and politics within and among countries, which are at different levels of economic development; give rise to serious stress within countries; and provoke conflicts at various levels. Water supply problems that even more countries have to deal with have their origin in the lack of complete politics regarding the management of these resources. Main objectives of this project will be the identification and recognition of the value of natural heritage by the local agents and inhabitants, the improvement of demand - supply balance of water, as well as the development and application of economic tools for the management of water resources including methods of agricultural exploitation, irrigation technologies, and waste water management. The activities require significant involvement and interaction of all project partners. They include a number of studies and surveys, workshops, stuff seminars, stuff exchange programs, an international conference, an international forum of cities of Southeastern Europe, networking activities, transfer of experience, dissemination and information activities, publication of results, pre-feasibility studies and a pilot action.

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  • 69.4%   1 002 869,85
  • 2000 - 2006 Archimed
  • Project on KEEP Platform

5 Partners Participants