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Management and Valorisation of Solid Domestic Waste for the Small Urban Communities in Morocco (WASTESUM)
Start date: Jan 1, 2007, End date: Jun 30, 2009 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Morocco is facing serious problems associated with the poor management of solid waste which must be urgently addressed to avoid any further degradation of the environment or detrimental affects on human health. With a predominantly urban population (51%), waste management in Morocco is characterised by poor collection practices and the presence of “dumps” within residential areas and peripheral districts which adversely affects the development of economic activities, tourism and the quality of life generally. In addition, water resources are potentially at risk with uncontrolled discharges to watercourses and groundwater. There is a pressing need to plan for new facilities to dispose of solid waste. Objectives The project's objective is to develop and establish an integrated system for the authorities to manage municipal solid waste in a more sustainable way in urban communities in Morocco. The project is based on a strategic planning approach incorporating the development of a Geographical Information System for the improved planning and decision making of waste management systems and facilities, most notably new landfill sites. It covers also the environmental and life-cycle impacts of proposed waste management systems and facilities, the strengthening of the existing capacity of key stakeholders and extensive dissemination activities.
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