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Management and conservation of forest tree genetic resources in the Baltic Sea Region under changing climate conditions
Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

General goal of projectActive use and conservation of genetic diversity of selected forest tree species to provide flexibilitywith respect to sustainable forest management and adaptation strategies for climate change. Establishactive and efficient networks that can develop and strengthen the cooperation in the area.Subproject 1: Evolutionary genetic pockets for broadleaved tree species: Establish a network for exchange and conservation of reproductive materials of selected broadleaved forest trees species to preserve adaptability to changing climatic conditions. Funding: Nordic Forest Research Co-operation Committee (SNS)Sub-project 2: Co-operation in breeding of Norway spruce: Establish and maintain a network with members from the breeding and research organisations to obtain beneficial cooperation in breeding of Norway spruce in the Baltic Sea Region. Funding: Nordic Council of Ministers Achievements: Subproject 1: The first workshop on a network of institutions for conservation was organised on 30th November and 1st December 2010 in Tallinn. One of the concrete outcomes was a joint AEGIS application on conservation issues regarding rye. Sub-project 2: The project has contributed to establishing a network among scientists and breeding organisations for better cooperation on breeding of Norway spruce at the Nordic level. Main activities have been exchange of technical staff, participation in project proposals related to breeding across countries, and elaboration of summaries of national breeding strategies. It has also contributed to financing meetings/travels used as a springboard for further Nordic cooperation e.g. on estimation of new deployment areas of stand seeds of Norway spruce – and later seed orchard seed. Thus, results are mainly related to strategies and policy. • Has the outcome been useful for the forest sector, and if so, how? Theproject has no immediate effect on practical forestry due to the time lag between decisions and results. However, the net result of the project will contribute to making Nordic forestry more robust. • Any further work using this activitys outcome: The joint interest in cooperation in breeding will continue. Delivery of data for estimation of deployment areas for Norway spruce, facilitated inter-alia by this project, will continue, e.g. as part of Future Forests and separate Norwegian investment in this activity.

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