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Mali obywatele nowoczesnej Europy
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “Small citizens of modern Europe" will be conducted at the Primary School and Gymnasium no 3 which is under the aegis of Educational Association of Bialystok. The initiative will be addressed to pupils of primary school and gymnasium (306 people). The second group of recipients of the project activities will be schoolteachers (18 people), forming the project team.It consists of the following participants:1. A. Dołżyńska – English2. B. Niechoda – early education (director and coordinator of the project)3. A. Kozłowska – English4. J. Cudowska-Kolendo – English5. A. Cudowska – Englis,6. J. Kaminska – English7. B. Dojlida – Maths8. E. Zielinska – Maths9. M. Gierasimiuk – Polish10. E. Makulska – Polish11. A. Drowanowska – Chemistry12. A. Owsieniuk - Biology,13. M. Karpinska – Integrated Education,14. I. Tylman – Integrated Education 15. A. Zarachowicz – Integrated Education16. D. Borsuk – Religion, a school common room17. J. Duszczynska – library, educational therapist18. J. Wyszynska – family life educator, pedagogue.These teachers were chosen because of the opportunity to involve them in the implementation of the strategic plan of the school aimed to achieve the European dimension of school, enrichment of school offer and improvement of the methodology of training with CLIL, IBL, AR and other techniques.Participants of the initiative have decided to take part in the general courses of English and Spanish language and methodology courses: Methodology Revisited, Revitalized & Re-energized and The Playground Classroom Language Teaching Methodolog, in Malta and in Spain.It is anticipated that through participation in the project the school will achieve the following objectives:1. Signing at least 4 partnership agreements as a result of foreign educational mobility2. Improvement of linguistic competence 3. Improvement of methodological competence4. Increase of the number of activities of innovative teaching methods5. Extension of knowledge about the EU countries among 75% of the students and teachers6. Forming sensitivity and respect for the representatives of the diverse cultures among 75% of the students and teachers.This will protect the needs of the school in the following areas:1. Improvement of language skills2. Development of basic and transversal skills3. Introduction of innovative teaching methods4. The use of new technologies in teaching and international projects5. The growth of a sense of European citizenship6. Development of sensitivity to diversity7. Achievement of the European dimension of the school.The teachers will take part in the following activities:- Preparation for foreign educational mobility and participation in courses on Malta and Spain- Participation in at least 1 training in modern methods of education- Organization of activities connecting science with the English language for primary school,- Educational project promoting openness and tolerance towards other cultures and religions- Drafting the school newspaper by members of the journalistic club- Blogging "Creating Tomorrow's School Today" school website- Creation of a Young European Club in grades 1-3 and a Travelling Club in grades 4-6- Implementation of educational projects taking into account the development of a sense of European citizenship and identity of students- Organization of robotics classes for elementary school students- Conducting classes disseminating the project results among teachers outside the school,- Conducting several stages of evaluation."Small citizens of modern Europe" will contribute to achieving the following results:- Improvement of the linguistic competence of teachers of the school- Improvement of the methodological skills of school staff- Enrichment of school offer in a modern approach to teaching by introducing the IBL, AR, CLIL, the use of the project method, drama, story telling, the inclusion of science teaching experiences and practices,- Introduction of European issues during classes- Improving social attitudes of students and teachers like openness, tolerance, respect for diversity- Improvement of the quality of education and the management of the facility- Learning and sharing experiences of education and upbringing of educators from across the EU- Increase of the number and quality of international projects (including an increase in the use of eTwinnning)- Developing a sense of being a part of modern Europe - Building the European dimension of school and prestige in the local environment.

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