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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Nov 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CONTEXT “Malax Art Part 3” (MA-3) is the 3rd edition of the youth exchange organised by MPDL (SP), LEO LAGRANGE (FR), and PIENA CELS (LV). In 2015 the project will take place in Spain and MPDL will be the leading organisation. ATTENDEES AND PROFILES 48 teenagers between the ages of 13 and 19 from Toulouse ( FR), Madrid (SP) and Rugaji (LV) will be attending MA-3. Though different profiles will be taking part, 77% of them have educational, social and economic issues. The young from Latvia come from rural areas and have low socio-economic background (families with an average salary of around 300€ per month). Those from France live in the suburbs of Toulouse and they are middle-class. The Spanish live in Vallecas, a neighbourhood in Madrid where the families have different difficulties and low socio-economic level. METODOLOGY From a methodological point of view, MA-3 focuses on enhancing the different abilities of each person, paying special attention to the understanding and communication, the cooperative learning, the creation of friendly learning spaces, the trust and selfsteem, creativity, educating for social responsibility and the use of socio affective strategies. These strategies take into account the social and affective dimension of the human beings and they are based on the premise of the active learning - through the main three moments: Feeling, Thinking and Acting. ACTIVITIES The main topic at the event will be Youth Urban Art. After the kickoff meeting, each attendee should choose one out of the six workshops presented and take active part of it during the whole duration of the project. 8 kids will participate in each workshop. CIRCUS To learn the different circus skills. To design a circus show. DANCE To learn different ways of body language. To learn dancing techniques. To design a dancing show. MOCKUPS DESIGN To learn techniques for creating mockups. To know the technical skills used for making architectural mockups. To create a mockup. STREET WORKOUT To learn sport techniques related with street workout. To prepare a show. MUSIC To make music instruments with recycled materials. To learn percussion techniques. To design a music show. JOURNALISM To learn journalistic and media skills. To identify different journalistic approaches. To create a media pack related with the MA-3 experience. This information packet will be presented on the closing ceremony and translated to Latvian, Spanish and French. Complementary actions: Debate and reflection area Cultural and sport activities Cultural visits Evening events All the works developed in the workshops will be shown during the closing ceremony which will take place the last day of the exchange. In this ceremony the teenagers will show to the audience the activities they have prepared and the works developed during the twelve days living together. RESULTS The goal is to make the attendees achieve and reinforce knowledge, skills and behaviors that assist on meeting the objectives. The most relevant ones are the following: • Improve the speaking and writing of a different language. • Reinforce the values that exemplify the European Union essence: respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality and respect for human rights to make them be an active part in the development of a society based on pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality amongst men and women. • Improve the cultural level by means of acquirement and/or reinforcement of artistic and creative skills. IMPACT The youth will acquire skills and abilities which, not being for this type of event, they would barely gather in their short personal experience. Like living in an environment very different from what they are used to and to share these experiences with foreign people. In addition to all the learning coming from the activities proposed in the project, not only the attendees but also all the people related to the event in some way will be imbued with the European values and attitudes because these will be present in every action carried out during the project. Furthermore, the project has an special meaning in the environment where attendees, families, friends , educational centre and so on take place, as they are, themselves, the link in all the experiences, the skills learned, the values acquired. So the experience will have a multiplier effect, making it much more enriching. LONG TERM BENEFITS Taking into account that this type of experiences are highly recommended for the emotional and learning development of young people, some benefits that will remain even after the end of the exchange will be pointed out. We would like to highlight the importance of the values, skills and abilities that the teenagers will be able to add to their personal experience and that will be, in the future, reflected on their everyday life. At the same time, this project belongs to Erasmus + call, this provides a strong European components.
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